Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1929 About Zhao Xinhui

Chapter 1929 About Zhao Xinhui

Could it be that Zhao Yun'er is not going to give it to them?
How does this work?
Why don't you give them the first room when you give them the second room?They are all relatives, so they have to be treated fairly, right?

Zhao Yun'er didn't realize it when she didn't speak, and felt embarrassed when she did.

Feng Changxia was a little uncomfortable sitting, and her heart was burning with urgency.

In the end, I couldn't bear it any longer, and said to Zhao Yuner, "Girl Yuner, what exactly is the pastry you brought back? How does it taste? None of us have eaten it before!"

After saying this, the meaning was to ask Zhao Yuner to bring her something to taste.

Liang Jinqiao had no choice but to say, "Yun'er, give your aunt and aunt a box too?"

Zhao Yun'er responded, but she was not too happy to give the pastry to Feng Changxia.

Zhao Yun'er randomly picked two boxes of the same one, and gave one to the other.

Fortunately, they brought back a lot this time, and reserved some for Mulan, which was enough for the whole family.

After Feng Changxia got the cake, she smiled contentedly, and thanked Zhao Yun'er a few words.

But she was only willing to eat one piece of a box of pastries, and took the rest back for Zhao Wenshi, his wife and grandson to eat.

As for Qian Hongzao, he ate a piece and passed one to Li Cuiying by the way.

The box of pastries in the second room was taken by Zhao Tianyu alone, and Li Cuiying couldn't eat a piece.

After tasting the pastry, Feng Changxia sighed, "No wonder everyone wants to live a life of rich people. The food and drink here are really different from ordinary things. The taste is really good. It would be great if I could eat it every day." .”

Qian Hongzao joked, "Sister-in-law, wait for Tianlong High School to recruit people, and when you become an official, your wish will be fulfilled and you can eat every day."

Feng Changxia grinned from ear to ear, "It would be great if this is true, and I will definitely bring back some more for you to eat together."

The sisters-in-law chatted happily, and slowly they chatted about Zhao Xinhui.

Feng Changxia mysteriously said to the other sisters-in-law, "I don't know if you have heard of something..."

Qian Hongzao asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Feng Changxia said, "Yesterday I was chatting with Sister Liu in the village, and I heard something about our little sister."

"What's wrong with our little sister?" The sisters-in-law started gossiping.

"I don't know if it's true or not. Sister Liu also got the news from Yangcheng. I heard that our little sister was dishonest after marrying into Huang's mansion, and was caught by Mr. Huang.

Mr. Huang directly cleaned up the younger sister, and then threw him out of the Huang Mansion, which means he divorced the younger sister!
Didn't the little girl go to Yangcheng that day?He's back again, and isn't he injured? "

The sisters-in-law thought about it, and it seemed that it was indeed the case that day.

"No way?" Liang Jinqiao frowned and asked, "Then Mr. Huang is nice to my little sister? Can my little sister be so stupid as to make peace with a servant? Do such indecent things?"

Feng Changxia's sharp voice said, "That's not necessarily true. You don't know my little sister, third brother and sister. My little sister is spoiled by our mother on weekdays. She is just ignorant. It's not impossible to do this kind of thing.

Maybe Mr. Huang is rich, but not good at that. She is so lonely that she is with the servants. "

The other sisters-in-law opened their mouths, still in disbelief.Feng Changxia then continued, "At first I thought it was unlikely, but after thinking about it, I can't rule out the authenticity of this matter. They can't just make something out of nothing, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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