Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1932 Rumors Outside

Chapter 1932 Rumors Outside
Qian Hongzao nodded, "Yes, sister-in-law, we have nothing to do with each other, the main thing is your Tianlong..."

Seeing that Feng Changxia didn't want to go, Qian Hongzao said this on purpose so that Feng Changxia couldn't put the blame on others.

Feng Changxia still had a face full of reluctance, thinking about the consequences if Zhao Tianlong became an official later, she had to grit her teeth and say, "That's fine, I'll go and talk to my mother, hey..."

Feng Changxia was faintly worried about whether Huo Chunhua would scold her, but she had no room to back down.

Feng Changxia hurriedly approached Huo Chunhua.

"Mom~ I have something to talk to!"

Huo Chunhua raised her eyebrows and replied, "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly!"

Feng Changxia smiled embarrassingly, "Mother, it's about my little sister and Qin Yuan's child."

Huo Chunhua frowned, "What's wrong with the two of them?"

"Mother, isn't it good that Qin Yuan's kid keeps coming to our old Zhao's house to see the younger sister?"

"What's so bad? I bring something with me every time I come here! Look, this time it's the longan brought back from Yangcheng, stewed with brown sugar, it's the most nourishing!" Huo Chunhua said, raising his hand longan, with a satisfied look.

"No...Mother, it's not good to bring things home. People come here... There are some gossips in the village, saying that our little sister has incest with the man of Ping'er girl, and many people secretly laugh at us. home...

There is also the matter of the little girl... People in the village said that the little girl was driven back by Mr. Huang, and she will not be able to return to the Huang's mansion in the future..." Feng Changxia said weakly, while talking, she observed anxiously Huo Chunhua's expression was afraid that Huo Chunhua would yell at her.

Sure enough, after hearing Feng Changxia's words, Huo Chunhua's face suddenly darkened.

She didn't expect that news of Mr. Huang driving Zhao Xinhui away would spread to the village.It's true that paper can't hold fire, and some things will always be exposed one day.

And this matter happened to be very embarrassing. It was okay to hide it from the people in the village. Obviously, everyone should know about it. Huo Chunhua only felt a burning pain on his face.

Huo Chunhua's lips trembled, "What? These words came from the village?"

Huo Chunhua replied with a guilty conscience, what she said later was the truth, and what she said earlier was her own. She wanted Huo Chunhua to pay attention to it, and stop Qin Yuan from going to Lao Zhao's house again.

Huo Chunhua was silent for a while, "Those scumbags actually said this, it's so irritating!"

"Mother, people's words are terrible. I don't know the truth of my little sister's story. She is just hearsay. When the time comes, our family will kill me and refuse to admit it, won't it be fine?
But there is indeed evidence that Pinger girl's man and the younger sister are getting together. Qin Yuan ran to our old Zhao's house all day long, and the people in the village were neither blind nor stupid, so they naturally saw the clues. "Feng Changxia rolled her eyes and continued.

Huo Chunhua curled her lips, "What's the matter...Pinger girl's man is your younger sister's junior after all, and Huier girl is injured, so he came to visit, buy something, what can I say about being filial?"

Seeing that Huo Chunhua still didn't intend to chase Qin Yuan away, he probably was thinking about the little thing Qin Yuan gave him.

Feng Changxia suddenly became anxious, and secretly scolded Huo Chunhua for being so greedy for petty gains, she couldn't realize the seriousness of the consequences, and she wasn't afraid of delaying her grandson.

"Mother, what you said is that a son-in-law is not even filial to his third brother and younger sister, so he went to our old Zhao's house to honor his little sister, the devil would believe it!"

(End of this chapter)

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