Farming with cute babies

Chapter 2014 Picky about Jinju

Chapter 2014 Picky about Jinju
He got married later than other men in the village, and some of them around his age were already fathers and had several babies.

Now that Jin Ju was married back, Zhao Tianhu realized that the reason why God kept him waiting for so long was because he wanted to give him the best wife.

It is a very happy thing to be able to marry such a beautiful and virtuous daughter-in-law as Jinju.

Jinju smiled slightly and said, "Stop talking, I'll wash up first when I go out!"

"Yeah, I'm going to ask my mother if there is still any food for the morning!"

"it is good!"

Waiting for Jin Ju to leave the room, she found several people sitting in the room.

Shen Pan'er took Zhao Yangyang to play in the yard, while Zhao Xinhui sat in the shade of a tree with her legs crossed, knocking sunflower seeds leisurely, while Feng Changxia was busy doing laundry, washing the clothes of the whole family.

When she came out, everyone's eyes fell on her.

Jinju felt a little embarrassed when she was seen, but she walked up to these people with shame, and asked them one by one.

"Mother, sister-in-law, sister-in-law~"

Feng Changxia responded with a smile, and Shen Pan'er nodded with a smile out of politeness.

Seeing the attitudes of Feng Changxia and Shen Pan'er, Jin Ju heaved a sigh of relief.

The mother-in-law and brother-in-law are easy to get along with, so she won't have a hard time living in her husband's house after she gets married.

Zhou Damei also told her that whether the life in her in-law's house is good or not depends on her mother-in-law first, and her mother-in-law is easy to get along with, so that so many things will not happen in the future.

In addition, the sisters-in-law, if the sisters-in-law have too many intentions and fight openly and secretly between the sisters-in-law, this day will be very frustrating and uncomfortable.

Seeing that the situation that Zhou Damei said did not fall into the old Zhao's house, Jinju was naturally secretly grateful, a smile could not help but appear on the corners of her mouth, and she looked forward to the future even more.

However, it was Zhao Xinhui's attitude and words that made Jinju's heart cold for a second.

Zhao Xinhui rolled her eyes, and said to Feng Changxia while knocking on the melon seeds, "Sister-in-law, you have a bit of a bad eye for picking a wife this time. My second nephew's daughter-in-law is not the same as Pan Pan, she is a lady from everyone." , I fell asleep to this point on the first day I got married, and I don’t know what it will be like in the future!"

Jin Ju's face flushed immediately, and she glanced at Zhao Xinhui, as if something had been smashed into her chest, she was extremely stuffy.

Feng Changxia smiled embarrassingly, and defended her second daughter-in-law, "Sister-in-law, Ju'er is too tired. She slept late last night, so it's a little late today. Anyway, there is nothing to do, sleep more Let's sleep more in a while!"

Jin Ju glanced at Feng Changxia with some emotion, she didn't expect this mother-in-law to be so kind, to protect her like this.

Zhao Xinhui snorted coldly, "Sister-in-law, it's okay if you don't tell me. Once you tell me, I feel that you, a daughter-in-law, don't know how to be ashamed. On the first day you married into our old Zhao's house, there was so much noise at night. Are you going to let the rest of us sleep?
Back then, Pan'er was never like this when she got married!They are both daughters-in-law, they really can't be compared, Pan'er was born in a big family, so the upbringing is really different.As for the one who just got married... I guess he has no mother education, so he is not ashamed, so thick-skinned, right? "

It's not without reason that Zhao Xinhui targeted Jin Ju so much.

Last night Jinju called Huan, she heard it clearly in the house.

(End of this chapter)

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