Farming with cute babies

Chapter 2177 For the sake of 5 aunts

Chapter 2177 For the sake of the fifth aunt

"But it's really too precious..." Jin Cuijuan looked troubled.

If it was really cheaper, she might still accept it, but it was too expensive, and after taking it, she always felt that she had taken advantage of others.

She has always been someone who doesn't like to take advantage.

Zhao Yun'er insisted, "Okay, fifth uncle and fifth aunt, you really don't want to be polite to me. I only come here every few hundred years, and I don't bring you these every time I come here.

Fifth Uncle treated me well before, as a junior, I should be filial and filial, right? "

Zhao Yun'er was a little helpless looking at the tangled faces of the two of them.

If these good things are sent to the eldest and second wife, she probably doesn't need to say anything, and the two of them will accept it.

But when they came to Zhao Wensheng, the husband and wife didn't like to take advantage of it, they would push back and refuse to accept even a little bit of good things.

"Uncle Wu, it doesn't matter if you don't eat these things, but feeding them to Aunt Wu is really good for your body.

I saw that my fifth aunt's complexion was not very good, so I ate more longan and red dates to replenish her complexion. "

Zhao Wensheng was a little moved when he heard it.

Indeed, as Zhao Yun'er said, it doesn't matter if he doesn't eat. Now Jin Cuijuan is pregnant and needs to replenish her body.

He doesn't make much money himself, and the monthly silver given by the academy is often used to buy books. Of course, this is due to Jin Cuijuan's persistence and support.

After buying those books, life has naturally become a lot tighter, and basically she can't spend money to buy those good things for Jin Cuijuan to supplement her health.

After being told by Zhao Yuner, Zhao Wensheng glanced at the complexion on Jin Cuijuan's face, he should make up for it.

If he pushed back and forth again and again, Jin Cuijuan would only be wronged.

Zhao Wensheng looked at Zhao Yun'er, nodded in response, "That's fine, girl Yun'er, Uncle Wu will accept these things.

You are too filial a child, Uncle Wu will remember your kindness in the future. "

Zhao Yuner smiled slightly, "Uncle Wu, you should be an elder."

Jin Cuijuan tugged at the corner of Zhao Wensheng's clothes in embarrassment, signaling that Zhao Wensheng shouldn't say anything.

Zhao Wensheng winked at Jin Cuijuan, and whispered something in Jin Cuijuan's ear.

"Since it's the filial piety of girl Yun'er, let's accept it, so as not to disappoint the girl's good intentions.

When you turn back, you will take these things and stew them to make up your body.

Hey, you are pregnant now, you must take good care of yourself, you can't suffer yourself, and you can't suffer the child in your stomach. "

Jin Cuijuan felt a sense of happiness in her heart when she saw the concern and affection in Zhao Wensheng's eyes.

This time she obeyed Zhao Wensheng's arrangement and accepted what Zhao Yuner gave.

The eldest girl was very happy to see a guest coming.

Zhao Yun'er took out the candy and handed it to Da Niuer, and said to Da Niuer, "Come on, Da Niuer, this is specially brought by Aunt Yun for you, I haven't forgotten Da Niuer!"

When the big girl saw the candy in Zhao Yuner's hand, her eyes lit up.

It can be seen that the big girl is very excited and happy.

But Da Niu'er is a very sensible child, and usually won't take anything given by others, even if it is what she wants and likes.

She will get Jin Cuijuan's consent first, and only when Jin Cuijuan nods, will she reach out to pick it up.

This time was no exception, when she was greedy for Zhao Yuner's candy, she first looked at Jin Cuijuan.

(End of this chapter)

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