Farming with cute babies

Chapter 2192 Yuner's Proof

Chapter 2192 Yuner's Proof

"You said you didn't, then explain why you went to town today!"

"Yes, you must give me a reason, otherwise you will not be spared."

Zhao Wenshui was so frightened that he hurriedly said, "I'm looking for girl Jing'er today.

Isn't it because there is no wife in the house... no one to serve?Last time I asked girl Jinger to ask her to give me money to buy me a wife, but she didn’t agree. This time I went to the town to find her, thinking that she would give it to me when I came to the door. Who knows that the Zheng family not only If you don't give it, you just threw me out, so that now I'm injured all over.

Brother and sister-in-law, parents, don’t you know my injuries?I am not lying! "

The old Zhao's family began to think again, and with Zhao Wenshui's injuries, it seemed that Zhao Wenshui was real.

Zhao Baoshan angrily reprimanded Zhao Wenshui, "My second son, I told you not to ask Jing'er for money, but you went to the town to ask for it again. Are you ashamed?"

"Father, I... I know I shouldn't have been confused for a while, it was my mistake and I will never do it again in the future." Zhao Wenshui promised.

Seeing Zhao Wenshui's attitude of admitting his mistakes so quickly, Zhao Baoshan was a little uncomfortable, and for a while he didn't know how to reprimand Zhao Wenshui.

The people in the big house were still a little suspicious of Zhao Wenshui, "Second brother, besides your injuries, do you have any other proof? Who knows if you pawned the golden hairpin of my girl Pan'er by the way!"

"Sister-in-law, girl Yun'er can prove that she is the one who sent me to the town today." Zhao Wenshui looked at Zhao Yun'er, and the eyes of the elders also fell on Zhao Yun'er.

Zhao Yun'er nodded, and replied, "Second Uncle is indeed with me today, I didn't see him go to the pawn shop and do other things."

Zhao Wenshui hurriedly said, "Brother and sister-in-law, you heard it, there is girl Yun'er to prove it to me."

People in the old Zhao family may not believe what others say, but they still believe what Zhao Yuner said.

Because Zhao Yun'er has no friendship with Zhao Wenshui on weekdays, and even doesn't get along well with Zhao Wenshui, it is absolutely impossible to speak for Zhao Wenshui.

Feng Changxia and Zhao Wenshi were silent for a while, and then said, "That doesn't prove that you didn't steal it, you have to check it carefully.

Let's search your body first, and then your house. If we really can't find anything, then it means you didn't steal. "

For this proposal, Zhao Wenshui did not object.

The clear is self-clearing, anyway, he really did not do this thing, even if Feng Changxia and Zhao Wenshi went to search, they would not find anything.

Just to prove his innocence.

"Okay, big brother and sister-in-law, then you search on me first, and then go to my house to search."

As Zhao Wenshui said, he took Feng Changxia's hand and asked Feng Changxia to check his body.

He didn't think about it that much, it was just a moment of impatience.

But in Feng Changxia's eyes, Zhao Wenshui was very beastly again, trying to take advantage of her and hold her hand, so with a dark face, he stared at Zhao Wenshui displeased.

"Damn you, you just want to take advantage of others!"

Zhao Wenshi also darkened his face, "Zhao Wenshui, if you have these nasty thoughts again, I will chop off your hands."

Zhao Wenshui shivered in fright, "Brother and sister-in-law, don't get me wrong, I just asked my sister-in-law to search my body in a hurry, and didn't think too much about it."

(End of this chapter)

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