Farming with cute babies

Chapter 2199 Shen Pan'er's means

Chapter 2199 Shen Pan'er's means
And the golden hairpin was stuffed secretly into the wardrobe of the second room by herself.

Naturally, this general method cannot allow the second room to be separated, and can only use this extreme method.

Accusing Jin Ju of stealing things, firstly, the family can be separated, and secondly, it can make Feng Changxia feel disgusted with Jinju, at least he won't treat Jinju like before.

Ever since Jin Ju got married, Feng Changxia has been very kind to her, this kind of kindness has directly overshadowed the kindness to her, and Shen Pan'er feels very uncomfortable.

Now that Feng Changxia has a dislike for Jin Ju, and there is a gap between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, then Feng Changxia will treat her daughter-in-law better in the future.

Although it hurt Jinju a little, she had to do it for her own sake.

It's all right now, the goal has been achieved, and the family has been successfully separated.

She only hoped that Zhao Tianlong would come back soon, she really missed him so much.

If it wasn't for Zhao Tianlong's hope for life, she wouldn't be able to stay in the old Zhao family's life for a day.

Now that the second room is settled, I feel very comfortable, and I can't help but smile on my face.

Seeing Shen Paner's happy look, Zhao Yangyang asked, "Mother, what are you so happy about?"

Naturally, Shen Pan'er would not tell the truth to Zhao Yangyang, lest Zhao Yangyang tell the truth.

"It's nothing, mother just wants your father to come back soon." Shen Pan'er touched Zhao Yangyang's head and said softly.

Zhao Yangyang's eyes lit up immediately, "Mother, is it true? Is Daddy really coming back soon?"

Shen Pan'er nodded heavily, "Of course, mother can still lie to you?"

"Okay, okay! Yangyang misses Daddy so much!"

"Mother also misses your father, let's wait for your father to come back together."


The mother and son performed a warm scene in the room.

Outside the house, Zhao Wenshui was still lying on Zhao Yuner's donkey cart.

In any case, it is not easy for him to be able to wash away his charges.

Zhao Wenshui was in a good mood, lying on the donkey cart, Zhao Yuner greeted, "Girl Yuner, is what the second uncle said right? This time it really has nothing to do with the second uncle, and the second uncle is not a thief."

Zhao Yuner frowned, thinking about today's matter.

She has had contact with Jinju and knows Jinju's temperament.

How can a person who doesn't like to take advantage of a little bit of money steal things?

She believed that her eyesight could not make a mistake, and what happened this time must have nothing to do with Jin Ju.

But why?

Why did you frame Jin Ju?

What is the purpose?
Zhao Yun'er carefully recalled what a few people in the yard said just now.

After some analysis, I felt that Shen Pan'er was very suspicious, there must be something abnormal about this woman.

If it is said that the reason for trying to frame Jin Ju is to separate the family, it makes sense.

It's a pity that she doesn't have any evidence, so she can't just say her random guess.

As for Jinju...

Divorce is not necessarily a bad thing.Based on her understanding of Zhao Tianhu and Jin Ju, both of them are hardworking and down-to-earth people, as long as they work hard, they will definitely make their lives better and better.

"Girl Yuner, girl Yuner, why don't you talk? What are you thinking? Why are you ignoring your second uncle?" Zhao Wenshui pushed Zhao Yuner, and Zhao Yuner regained consciousness from his thoughts.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Zhao Wenshui replied, "I didn't think about it! Second uncle, you can go in and rest!"

(End of this chapter)

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