Farming with cute babies

Chapter 2222 dissipated anger

Chapter 2222 dissipated anger
Zhao Wensheng squeezed Jin Cuijuan's hand tightly, comforting Jin Cuijuan.

Jin Cuijuan also returned a smile.

In fact, she knew that she was not worthy of a scholar like Zhao Wensheng with such conditions, and she could understand that the old Zhao family's attitude towards her was a little cold.

No matter how Zhao Wensheng's family treats her, she doesn't have to care, even if it's a dishonorable name or a little grievance, as long as Zhao Wensheng cares about her and keeps her in his heart, this is more important than anything else.

It was precisely because of this that she insisted on staying with Zhao Wensheng.

No matter what the future holds, she believes that everything will get better slowly.

In order to get the affirmation of Huo Chunhua and Zhao Baoshan, so that they can accept Jin Cuijuan as soon as possible, Zhao Wensheng simply told them the good news that Jin Cuijuan was pregnant.

This matter is more important, if they know about Wufang, their attitude towards Jin Cuijuan will change.

Over the years, as the youngest son in the family, Huo Chunhua and Zhao Baoshan were most worried about him.

Once the fifth house is established, the family members of Lao Zhao's family will be complete.

"Father, mother, apart from coming back to attend Tian'an's wedding this time, there is actually another happy event to inform you." Zhao Wensheng said.

Zhao Baoshan looked at Zhao Wensheng, that look was to signal Zhao Wensheng to speak out.

"Father, mother, Cuijuan has my child in her womb, and our fifth wife has a son!"

After hearing Zhao Wensheng's words, Zhao Baoshan's expression changed slightly, obviously a little happy.

In any case, it is a happy event for the fifth wife to have a son. No matter how dissatisfied he, the father, is with Zhao Wensheng's marriage, he will be happy for Zhao Wensheng in this matter.

"Well, yes, good thing! I will bring my daughter-in-law back and walk around more in the future. If it weren't for Tianan's marriage today, you brat doesn't know when you will come back." Zhao Baoshan seemed to be complaining, but his tone was demeanor They are much better than before.

Zhao Wensheng knew that Zhao Baoshan's ability to say such words meant that most of the anger in his heart had subsided, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Huo Chunhua's face again, she seemed to be looking better than before, but she still didn't speak.

Zhao Wensheng comforted himself to take his time, getting such a result today is the first step, and he will gradually get better.

"Ah, five younger brothers and younger sisters, congratulations!" Zhao Wenhua was the first to congratulate.

The other members of Old Zhao's house congratulated Fifth House, and the originally awkward atmosphere seemed much more harmonious now.

The people in the third room continued to receive the guests, and soon it was time to meet the bride.

Zhao Wenhua went to Zhao Tianan's room and asked Zhao Tianan to prepare.

"Tian'an, have you tidied up your clothes? We have to go pick up the bride!"

Zhao Tianan was waiting for this moment, and when he saw Zhao Wenhua say that, he immediately nodded in response, "Father, it's done!"

"Okay, let's go!"


Zhao Tianan came out wearing a groom's official clothes, the bright red dress set off his delicate and handsome face.

I haven't felt it on weekdays, but now I think it's much more handsome, a proper handsome man.

As soon as Zhao Tian'an came out of the house, the villagers who came to join in the fun saw it and praised him one by one.

"Don't say Tianchang is really handsome!"

"That's right, he's a handsome young man. If he had found out earlier, he would have married that girl of my family to the third wife of the old Zhao family."

(End of this chapter)

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