Farming with cute babies

Chapter 2342 Mu Lianfeng's Thoughtfulness

Chapter 2342 Mu Lianfeng's Thoughtfulness
Mu Lianfeng said softly in Zhao Yuner's ear.

In fact, compared to Zhao Yun'er, he was even more impatient to get her, galloping fiercely on her body, releasing the longing he had been holding back for the past few days.

However, if he wanted to get Zhao Yuner again, he had to control himself, because he had to think about Zhao Yuner.

It was not easy for Zhao Yun'er to marry him, if she woke up too late tomorrow, she wouldn't even have tea.

I'm afraid that not only Mrs. Mu, but also the entire Shizifu will have objections to Zhao Yun'er.

The worst thing about a big family is that there are too many rules, not as honest as the country people.

Once he had a bridal chamber with Zhao Yun'er, that kind of desire and feeling aroused, he was afraid that he would not be enough, and after tossing all night, how could Zhao Yun'er have the strength to get up the next day?
So he has to hold back today, and he will ask for it back from Zhao Yuner tomorrow night after he has passed the rules.

Zhao Yuner was suddenly embarrassed...

"Well...then go to bed..."

Although she still couldn't help it, Zhao Yun'er felt that what Mu Lianfeng said was more reasonable.

She has to get up early to serve tea tomorrow, not because she is afraid of Mrs. Mu, but because she wants to be well behaved. At least Mrs. Mu won't have any excuses to find fault, so as to save herself some trouble.

"Well! Go wash up first!"

"it is good!"

She had heavy makeup on her face and had to wash it off first.

After a good night's dream, Zhao Yun'er woke up early the next morning.

According to the rules, he offered tea to Mrs. Mu.

Zhao Yun'er was worried that Mrs. Mu would play tricks on her, but what surprised Zhao Yuner was that Mrs. Mu didn't make things difficult for her this time, which really surprised Zhao Yuner.

Could it be that Mrs. Mu accepted her sincerely?

Although he had doubts in his heart, seeing that Mrs. Mu was not picking on him, it was better than before.

The servants of Shizifu were also polite to her.

After all, she is now married to Mu Lianfeng, and the marriage is still under the auspices of the emperor.No matter how much the servants looked down on Zhao Yuner's status as an ordinary citizen, they didn't dare to say anything, let alone disrespect Zhao Yuner.

Otherwise, they will not be able to afford the result if they are held accountable.

After the wedding, Zhao Yun'er lived in Shizi Mansion for two days.

She really can't bear the rules of life of the big family, and she is still comfortable in the country.

I still talk and laugh with my relatives every day. Although there may be more exotic flowers in the village, I still think the countryside is better.

How could Mu Lianfeng fail to see Zhao Yuner's discomfort, so he decided to take Zhao Yuner back to live in the countryside.

He will leave Yangcheng soon, and Zhao Yun'er will be allowed to live in his home during his absence.

Although the Shizi Mansion is good, it is not as comfortable as living in the countryside.

He only hoped that Zhao Yun'er would live comfortably, even if she was not in Shizi's Mansion, it didn't matter.

If Zhao Yun'er still wants to live at home in the future, then he will accompany her!

Mu Lianfeng also likes Shuilan Village more than Shizi Mansion, and only when staying at Zhao Yuner's house can he feel at home.

As for Shizi Mansion, it was much cooler.

Except for Mrs. Mu, everyone in the Shizi Mansion is servants to Mu Lianfeng.

And the servants were too cautious towards him, and because of etiquette, they didn't have that natural and relaxed feeling when getting along with him.

Being with Zhao Yuner's family is different.

The family is harmonious and beautiful, simple but happy.

A few days later, Mu Lianfeng took Zhao Yun'er and Doudou back to Shuilan Village on the pretext of having to deal with government affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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