Farming with cute babies

Chapter 240 Wanting a Dad

Chapter 240 Want a Dad

"You woman, what are you talking about, I'm telling the truth."

"Father, what are you lying about? I don't know who just stared at that bitch with both eyes straight, and said you didn't? Ask others if they believe you?" Feng Yu cried and made a fuss again.

The more I think about it, the more aggrieved I feel.

Isn't it just that the bitch looks a little better than himself?Do you need to stare at people like that?
" are so unreasonable, if you talk nonsense, I won't punish you!" Chen A Niu stared at Feng Yu fiercely.

Feng Yu was frightened by Chen Aniu's appearance, and knew that if he talked too much, Chen Aniu might beat her up when he went back.

He quickly shut his mouth, but he held a little more grudge against Zhao Yun'er in his heart.

After Chen Aniu and Feng Yu left, Zhao Yuner squatted in front of Chen Erwa, and asked softly, "Erwa, it hurts a lot, right? Can you stand up and walk? Or will Aunt Yun be killed by you?"

Chen Erwa shook her head quickly, "It's okay, Aunt Yun, I can go by myself."

"Really? Second baby, don't be brave."

"Really, Aunt Yun, I'll be fine if I get up slowly and walk slowly." Chen Erwa insisted.

Zhao Yuner looked at Chen Erwa appreciatively.

In fact, this child is not very old. In the 21st century, if he fell in pain, he would have flung himself into the arms of his parents and cried bitterly. How could it be like this, where he would not cry or make trouble, and insisted on getting up by himself.

"Erwa is awesome." Zhao Yun'er praised and helped Chen Erwa.Then he helped him and followed her back home.

Zhao Yun'er put down the basket and took out the contents.I picked a herb to stop bleeding and relieve pain, ground it up, and began to apply it on Chen Erwa's leg. I took off a piece of white cloth and bandaged Chen Erwa.

"How is it, Erwa, are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, much better, thank you, Aunt Yun."

"You're welcome." Zhao Yun'er patted Chen Erwa's head.

Ask Chen Erwa to sit and rest, and Zhao Tianfu will accompany her.As for Doudou, she had already run into the house without knowing when.

Zhao Yun'er got up, took a pot of hot water, and went into the house.

After entering, he found that Doudou was crying in Mu Lianfeng's arms.

And Mu Lianfeng hugged Doudou, and gently patted Doudou's back with one hand.

Doudou's small body sank in Mu Lianfeng's arms, a little warm.

Zhao Yuner hurriedly asked, "Doudou, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Yun'er could hear Doudou's small sobs.

If the child wants to cry, shouldn't he throw himself into her arms and cry?Why did she throw herself into Mu Lianfeng's arms?

Doudou's small and delicate face lifted up, and there were still tears on it.

Seeing Doudou's aggrieved appearance, Zhao Yun'er's heart ached.

Mu Lianfeng explained, "Miss Yun'er, Doudou said, she wants a daddy."

"Eh..." Zhao Yun'er was stunned for a moment, and Mu Lianfeng began to explain again.

"Doudou said that others say he is a wild child without a father. If I become his father, no one will say that about him anymore."

Zhao Yun'er was a little embarrassed, "Young Master Mu, Doudou is small and ignorant, so just say this casually, don't take it seriously..."

But Mu Lianfeng shook his head and said, "It's okay, Miss Yun'er, Doudou said that he has never seen his father, and it's normal to want a father, besides..."

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(End of this chapter)

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