Chapter 29

Huo Chunhua was afraid of making Zhao Baoshan unhappy, so she sat down immediately and started to eat honestly.

Zhao Baoshan didn't make a sound.

People in ancient times regarded men as their heaven. Even a woman like Huo Chunhua was 1 docile to her man.

Li Cuiying swallowed her saliva, smiled at Huo Chunhua, "Mom, when will we get some meat back to eat? Since the Chinese New Year, I haven't seen any meat foam, and there is not even a little bit of meat in the dishes." Oil and water. The male dolls in the family are also growing up, so they can’t eat these all the time. I have to buy some good supplements once in a while.”

Li Cuiying said it nicely, she was talking about the child, but in fact she wanted to eat it.At her age, she is too embarrassed to speak out, so she can only talk about things through the child.

Now that the old Zhao's family is not separated, the money earned by the family members is all given to Huo Chunhua, and they cannot be kept privately, otherwise Huo Chunhua will find out, and they will be scolded for days and nights.

On weekdays, when the farm work is not busy, several men in the family will find some work to do.If you go to a town or city to help, you can earn more than a dozen or so yuan a day.

All the money has to be handed over to Huo Chunhua, but when Huo Chunhua is in a good mood, he will keep some of it as pocket money for the couple.

Zhao Wenhua worked hard on weekdays and earned a little more money to come back. He just hoped that Huo Chunhua would be happy and leave him some money, that is, use the money to buy some food and help Zhao Yuner.I didn't save a single penny of my own money.

Huo Chunhua glared at Li Cuiying, "Eat, eat, eat, you know what to eat! Don't think you don't know what's in your heart. You are the one who wants to eat, and you even blame the child."

Not only was Li Cuiying not angry, but she even smiled apologetically, "Mom, you misunderstood me. I'm really not doing it for myself. What I'm talking about is the truth. Our old Zhao's family is not so poor. We occasionally buy some meat back. It's okay for people to have sex, right..."

Huo Chunhua still stared at Li Cuiying displeasedly, "You can get fifteen cents for a catty of meat, you are so capable to earn it back for me, and I will buy meat for you!"

Li Cuiying curled her lips, she didn't say anything on the surface, but she scolded Li Cuiying all over in her heart.This stingy old woman, if she can earn fifteen pennies, wouldn't she know that she would buy it secretly, and ask her to buy meat for the family?
Zhao Pinger poked the Chinese cabbage and said to Huo Chunhua, "Grandma, I think the second aunt is right. I haven't eaten meat for several months, and there is no oil in the dish. Zhao Yuner has eaten meat. Let's It can't be worse than her life, can it?"

When Zhao Yun'er was mentioned, Huo Chunhua became annoyed.She felt that what Zhao Ping'er said was reasonable, their family's life couldn't be worse than Zhao Yun'er's, so she said, "That's fine, I'll weigh a catty of pork tomorrow and come back and serve you meat."

Huo Chunhua's words fell, and several people at the table were extremely excited.Just looking forward to eating pork tomorrow.

Early the next morning.

When it was still dark, Zhao Yun'er got up.

His eyes were still a little sleepy, and he didn't sleep well.

Entrusting Doudou to his two younger brothers yesterday, Zhao Tian'an and Zhao Tianfu came early and got up before dawn.

Zhao Yuner went out in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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