Farming with cute babies

Chapter 32 Selling Honey

Chapter 32 Selling Honey
Zhao Yuner shook her head and said, "Thank you for your concern, Auntie. The things I brought can't be sold in the market, so I have to try my luck elsewhere."

"Well, Yangcheng is huge, don't get lost, remember to come back here." The woman reminded.

Zhao Yuner nodded. "Thank you, auntie."

After finishing speaking, he carried the basket on his back and walked on the streets of Yangcheng.Start looking for a store that can sell honey.

There are many shops on this street, and there are many things for sale.If you have money.Zhao Yun'er wanted to make a good purchase.It's just that there are only a few copper coins in my hand now, and I borrowed them myself.

After searching for about half an hour, Zhao Yun'er finally found one, so she walked into the shop.

The shopkeeper saw that Zhao Yun'er was wearing plain clothes with some puddings on them.But it was neat and clean.So I asked, "This girl is here to buy something?"

Zhao Yuner shook her head, "No, I'm here to sell things."

The store owner was amused by Zhao Yuner, "I don't lack anything here, I wonder what the girl is selling to me?"

The store owner was quite polite and did not drive Zhao Yun'er out of the store.If it was another family, they probably wouldn't bother to listen to Zhao Yun'er's rambling.

"I see that you sell honey here. I have some honey, so I want to resell it to you." Zhao Yun'er said.While speaking, he took out the honey from the basket and handed it to the shopkeeper.

Open the earthen jar, and there is a sweet and sweet smell of honey.

The shopkeeper leaned forward and took a look.

In fact, their honey has a special supply channel.It is not scattered collection.

But seeing Zhao Yun'er seemed to want to sell her honey.She was dressed plainly, perhaps the family was in a hurry to spend money.

He took a look at the honey, and it was of good quality, even more fragrant than the honey in the store.

"Look, what do you think of my honey?"

The store smiled and said to Zhao Yuner, "That's right, it's just that this honey is basically bought by rich families. I have too much stock, and the honey may go bad. I also have some risks if I accept your honey. The price may be slightly higher for you." Lower."

Zhao Yuner can also understand.

There were no preservatives in ancient times, and things could not be left alone forever.

"Then tell me about the price, I can accept it, and I will definitely sell it."

She is currently short of money, no matter how much she can earn, it is better than having no money at all.

"Girl, you two jars of honey, I'll give you [-] Wen, you can see it."

This price was already higher than Zhao Yuner's expectation.

The store bought it from her and then sold it, and some profit would be collected in the middle.

Looking at this store, the price she was given should be reasonable without the shrewd calculations of a businessman.

After thinking about it, he replied, "Success, then eight hundred Wen."

"it is good."

The store settled the money for Zhao Yun'er, and told her that if she still had some more next time, she could send them directly to the store.It's also a long-term business.

Holding [-] Wen in her hand, Zhao Yun'er was a little excited.

This is the first pot of gold she earned in this world, and it will only get better and better in the future.

Eight hundred Wen is not a small sum in the countryside.Pork is only fifteen Wen a catty, which is equivalent to the money of this era, and it is also equivalent to 21 yuan in the 800st century.

Zhao Yun'er collected the money and prepared to go to the market to buy some things to take back.

(End of this chapter)

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