Farming with cute babies

Chapter 601 Can't be more suitable

Chapter 601 Can't be more suitable
"Yeah, uncle is right, you should go back and change your pants first." Qin Yuan hurriedly replied.

"It just so happens that Tian'an's trousers are suitable for you. If you can wear them, you can change to Tian'an's when you go back."

"it is good."

Zhao Yun'er couldn't help snickering, is this Qin Yuan still a man?Before, she thought that Zhao Ping'er was not good enough for him, but now she felt that the two of them were just as good as each other, and they couldn't be more suitable.

Obviously, Zhao Ping'er didn't have the slightest dislike for Qin Yuan, a coward.

"Go, Brother Yuan, I'll take you back." Zhao Ping'er said.

"Let's go together, girl Ping'er, let's go back by the way." Zhao Wenhua followed.

After all, a big man changed his pants, and he was worried about his daughter. Based on his understanding of Zhao Pinger, Zhao Pinger would definitely stay in the room when Qin Yuan changed his pants.

"Well, it's time to go back and prepare lunch. Let's go to the field after dinner. Qin Yuan's child is also very scared, so let's take a good rest when we go back." Liang Jinqiao said.

Seeing that Qin Yuan was going back, Zhao Wenshi and Zhao Wenshui were in a hurry.If Qin Yuan wasn't around, who would help pump the water in the fields?

"Well, third brother, will Qin Yuan come over to help in our field this afternoon?" Zhao Wenshi asked.

Zhao Pinger said angrily, "Uncle, didn't you see that brother Yuan was bitten by a snake because he helped pump water? Fortunately, this time it was not poisonous, what if there is poisonous one? You and the second uncle can also pump water, why do you have to ask Brother Yuan to help you."

"But he promised your sister-in-law... He agreed to pump water for our family. He can't stop pumping all of a sudden..."

When Zhao Wenshi mentioned Zhao Xinhui, Qin Yuan felt that he couldn't hold back his face, so he said, "Uncle, don't worry, I'll come over again in the afternoon to smoke."

Hearing Qin Yuan's promise, Zhao Wenshi and Zhao Wenhua felt relieved, "Just come."

Zhao Ping'er was jealous, "Brother Yuan, aren't you afraid of encountering snakes when you come here this afternoon? It has just rained and the water in the field is deep. It is estimated that many snakes have come out for a walk. If you encounter poisonous snakes, your life will be lost. "

Being frightened by Zhao Ping'er, Qin Yuan's body trembled, what is more important than his own life, even if he wanted to please Zhao Xinhui, it would not cost his life.

"Ping'er is right...the two uncles may not be able to come to help in the afternoon. You have also seen that my ass was bitten by a snake. It hurts...I really can't help..." Qin Yuan began to find excuses to refuse.

"You kid, why don't you talk too much?" Zhao Wenshui scolded a little angrily, "I've never seen you so cowardly, are you still a man?"

Before Qin Yuan could defend himself, Zhao Ping'er sarcastically said, "Uncle and Uncle, you said Brother Yuan is cowardly, what about you? I just saw a snake swimming towards me, so you can run faster than anyone else? Now it's embarrassing." Talk about someone else! Hmph!"

Zhao Wenshui and Zhao Wenshi blushed a little when Zhao Pinger said this.

They were indeed running fast just now, wasn't that because they were afraid of being bitten by a snake?

"Big Brother, Second Brother, you two should do this job. Even if Qin Yuan comes here in the afternoon, he won't be able to pump much water from so many fields in the house, so he can't come to help later. And he was bitten by a snake, although it is not a poisonous snake. , we still have to rest and recuperate." Zhao Wenhua came forward to defend.

"This... this... third brother, your elder brother and I can't do this job, what should we do if we don't let Qin Yuan help us?"

(End of this chapter)

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