Chapter 632

Zhao Yun'er glanced at the big ash on the ground, such a big dog, of course it can't be thrown away after death, so she said to Mu Lianfeng, "Let's just peel the skin and eat dog meat hot pot!"

The taste of dog meat is even more delicious, but Zhao Yuner felt that eating dog meat was too cruel in her previous life, so she only ate it once and never again.But it is undeniable that the taste of dog meat is very good.

For a dog like Da Hui who did all kinds of evil, Zhao Yun'er didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt after eating it.

Mu Lianfeng nodded, "Okay!"

Neither Mu Lianfeng nor Zhao Yun'er knew how to do this skinning work, so they called Liu Lei.

When Liu Lei saw the situation at Zhao Yun'er's house, he was very puzzled, and Zhao Yun'er didn't hide it, and told Liu Lei about the matter.

Liu Lei asked worriedly, "Yun'er, if you're like this, will your grandma come over to make trouble later?"

Liu Lei knew that Mrs. Hu was a troublemaker who was difficult to deal with, so he was worried about Zhao Yun'er's situation.

Zhao Yun'er smiled and said, "It's okay, brother Leizi, after your skin is peeled off, who can prove that it is his dog, do you think so? Now my grandma probably hates this dog to death, and I, Now it’s for our village, what if it bites someone again?”

Liu Lei also heard about the biting of Dahui today, and for a vicious dog like Dahui, it is true that he should be eradicated as soon as possible and eliminate the harm for the people as soon as possible.

"That's fine, Yun'er, let's peel and eat."

Liu Lei stripped the bullshit very neatly, and finished the process.

There was a lot of meat on Dahui's body, and after it was processed, it was weighed again, and it was more than 50 catties in total.

So much dog meat is enough to eat for a long time.

Liu Lei helped to peel the skin, and Zhao Yun'er gave Liu Lei a hind leg.He has only one person, which is completely enough to eat.

For the rest, Zhao Yun'er kept it for herself, and they will have to distribute it later.

Zhao Yun'er was going to give one front leg to Mulan and the other to Aunt Liu, and kept one back for herself. As for the middle ones, she was going to send some to Sanfang.

With such a distribution, there are not many big dogs left.

Zhao Yun'er has never cooked dog meat before, so she doesn't know how to cook dog meat, so she can only follow the method of beef, and the taste should not be too bad.

"Yun'er, if it's okay, then I'll go back!" Liu Lei said goodbye.

Zhao Yun'er and Mu Lianfeng were in love together, and he seemed like a light bulb in front of him.

"Yeah, brother Leizi, slow down when you go back!"

Liu Lei nodded, turned around and left with his dog's legs in his hands.

When he got home, Liu Lei noticed noises in the room.

Liu Lei thought that a thief had broken into his home, so he hurriedly yelled at the room, "Who is it?"

A girl's voice came from the room, "Brother Liu, it's me!"

It's Xiao Hong...

Liu Lei frowned, and when he saw Xiao Hong coming, he asked, "Xiao Hong, why are you here..."

Xiao Hong smiled and said, "Brother Liu, I came here to give you shoes. I saw that there was a hole in your shoes, so I asked my mother to teach me these few days, and I made them for you. A pair of shoes is here, otherwise you can't wear leather shoes, right?"

Liu Lei looked down at his shoes, there was indeed a big hole, and the big toe was exposed.

He is a big man, how can he do these things.I didn't go to the street to buy it these days, so I just made do with worn-out shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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