Farming with cute babies

Chapter 644 Ma Xiaofeng Stealed It?

Chapter 644 Ma Xiaofeng Stealed It?
"Mom, you are right, I also feel that someone stole it!" Zhao Wenshui hurried forward to agree.

"Who is that? Who came to our yard?"

"Mother, no one is here! Besides the third son's future son-in-law, who else is here?"

Huo Chunhua shook his head, "No, the money was still there when I counted it two days ago!"

Qin Yuan came here two days ago, so it couldn't be Qin Yuan.

"Who would that be?"

While several people were talking, their eyes fell on Ma Xiaofeng who was at the side.

In the past two days, only Ma Xiaofeng came over twice, so Huo Chunhua turned on Ma Xiaofeng, "Girl Xiaofeng, did you steal my money?"

Ma Xiaofeng was stunned, what can I say about her?
Being caught by Huo Chunhua and questioned, Ma Xiaofeng pouted aggrievedly and said, "Grandma Zhao, it's not me, I don't steal anything!"

"It's not you? It's not you. No one else has ever come to my house! You have learned to steal things at such a young age, I have to call your mother over and ask carefully, how did you raise a thief!"

Huo Chunhua yelled without thinking it was a big deal.

Ma Xiaofeng became anxious immediately, what if people from the village were lured here, and after hearing Huo Chunhua's nonsense, they thought she was a thief?
In the village, reputation is very important, and she still has face, and she will be treated as a thief, and she will be drowned in spittle.

Li Cuiying muttered in front of Huo Chunhua, "Mom, I think it is very likely that Xiaofeng will steal money, after all, their family is so poor."

"Well, I thought so too." Huo Chunhua nodded, and said coldly to Ma Xiaofeng, "Girl Xiaofeng, hand over the stolen money quickly, or you will have to report to the police. Then you will be arrested and imprisoned." in!"

Ma Xiaofeng panicked immediately, quickly shook her head and said, "Grandma Zhao, it's really not me, I didn't steal your family's money!"

Ma Xiaofeng looked aggrieved, was caught and framed by the people of the old Zhao's family, tears were on the verge of tears.

Huo Chunhua snorted softly, "Xiaofeng, you little girl, it's fine to steal and lie, such a character is not good, who will dare to marry you back in the future?"

At this time, some villagers came to watch, and after learning about the situation, they also thought that Ma Xiaofeng had stolen it.

"Grandma Zhao, it's not me. I never steal from others." Ma Xiaofeng continued to defend.

Some villagers believed Ma Xiaofeng's words, and they had never seen Ma Xiaofeng steal anything from anyone's house on weekdays.

"Aunt Zhao, is there some misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding could there be? I didn't see anyone else coming from my family. Except her, could it be someone else in the village stole it?" Huo Chunhua replied angrily.

When Huo Chunhua said this, the people in the village fell silent. What if Huo Chunhua put the responsibility on them?
They were all decent people, they didn't steal money from anyone, so they couldn't be called thieves by Huo Chunhua.No one wants to make a scene because of an irrelevant person, just come and watch the excitement.

Ma Xiaofeng now feels that he has a hard time saying it, and if he knew it earlier, he would not have come to Zhao Yun'er's house, and he failed to achieve his goal, and now he has been wronged and stolen three taels of silver.

Huo Chunhua walked up to Ma Xiaofeng and pushed Ma Xiaofeng, "You girl, quickly hand over the three taels of silver you stole!"

"Woooo~" Ma Xiaofeng was pushed to the ground by Huo Chunhua, and began to cry.

"Don't think I'll let you go if you cry, you're too young to learn to steal! Sure enough, a child without a father is ill-bred!"

(End of this chapter)

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