Chapter 658
Liang Jinqiao remembered that he met Xu Zhaodi a year ago, when Xu Zhaodi got married.

When a girl gets married, a wedding banquet is needed, so Liang Jinqiao and Zhao Wenhua, as relatives, go to Xu's house for a wedding reception.

Xu Zhaodi's marriage was very grand, there were more than a dozen tables for the Xu family's banquet, and the groom's official came to meet the bride on horseback, which is rarely seen in the countryside.

When Liang Jinqiao saw her at the time, she felt envious in her heart, thinking how great it would be if her Yun'er could marry such a family.

It's a pity that Zhao Yuner's life at that time was obviously not half as good as Xu Zhao's younger brother.

Liang Jinfen said, "It's okay, it's not too early for my family to recruit a younger brother to have a child. Look at your family's Yuner, the child is three years old."

When Liang Jinfen said this, Liang Jinqiao was very embarrassed.

Her second sister may not have other meanings, but it just makes people feel uncomfortable.

Liang Jinfen said, looked at Zhao Yuner who was on the side, and smiled with Zhao Yuner, "Is this girl Yuner? It looks like she has changed a lot!"

Her complexion is much better than before, and she is also much more beautiful. The whole person's temperament has improved a lot. Liang Jinfen doesn't know if it's because of her delusions.

"My Yun'er hasn't changed much."

"Haha, big sister, have you arranged the marriage of this Yun'er girl? How about I introduce you later and try to find a good family. If you can marry a good family like my recruit brother, you can also enjoy the blessings together." .” Liang Jinfen said with concern.

Zhao Yun'er didn't know whether her second aunt really cared about her marriage or was pretending to show her superiority.

Anyway, Zhao Yuner didn't like it.

Compared with her second aunt, her second aunt laughed all the time when they met, without any sarcasm or rude words.The meaning revealed in these words is still to elevate oneself.

It may be that in Liang Jinfen's eyes, their family's life is too miserable, and while pretending to care, she shows how good her life is.

Liang Jinqiao smiled embarrassingly, "Second Sister, you don't have to worry about it. Yun'er's marriage is coming slowly, don't worry, I still want to keep her by my side for a few more years!"

Liang Jinfen didn't continue to talk about this matter, but smiled and said, "Sister, what you said is true, I also want to keep my younger brother to accompany me for a few more years, after all, it's better to be a daughter, who knows how to be filial , Marrying a good family can also allow me and her father to enjoy the blessings, much better than my son, who will marry a wife and raise children, and he will have to work hard for them all his life!"

The reason why Liang Jinfen said this was not because she really thought how good her daughter was, but because she comforted herself.

Although Liang Jinfen didn't have a hard life and her family conditions were good, she was not very popular in Xu's family, because all the girls she gave birth to after being married to Xu's family for so many years.

In ancient times, if the children were all women, they would be poked in the back.Having a son is extremely important to a woman.

It is precisely because of this that even though Liang Jinfen's life is good, she still has a knot in her heart, that is, she failed to give birth to a son.

"Actually, both son and daughter are good, I don't force this." Liang Jinqiao responded.

Liang Jinfen was not very happy when he heard what Liang Jinqiao said.Because Liang Jinqiao gave birth to two sons, it didn't hurt to say such things.

"Second Aunt, is there anything else between you and your cousin? If it's okay, we'll leave first!" Zhao Yun'er had no feelings for her Second Aunt, and felt uncomfortable hearing her talk, so she offered to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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