Farming with cute babies

Chapter 669 I want to eat too

Chapter 669 I want to eat too
After the fat sausage was fried, Zhao Yuner hurriedly fried a few pickles and a stir-fried water celery, which was plucked from the ditch. The taste was not bad, not inferior to the vegetables grown in the vegetable garden.

The most important thing is that it does not cost money, it is pure natural and pollution-free, and it is a good thing now.

In addition, I fried a dish of scrambled eggs with leeks, a dish of braised tofu, and a bowl of egg soup, which was very rich.

The most important thing is to have fatty intestines, spicy fatty intestines, which taste best with wine.

"Yun'er, this pig looks really good in the water, you girl, you can do things that no one else knows!" Liang Jinqiao sighed.

"Mother, come and try it too!" Zhao Yun'er took a piece and handed it over.

Liang Jinqiao was a little embarrassed, Zhao Yuner urged her, and then took it.

"Mom, how do you feel about the taste?" Zhao Yuner asked with a smile.

After tasting the taste, Liang Jinfen nodded and praised, "Not bad, not bad, Yun'er, it's delicious, I think it's even better than pork."

"haha, really?"

"Yeah, it's different from pork. It's very delicious, very refreshing, and has a different taste. Yun'er, it's not greasy, it's really delicious! I'll serve your father some wine later Good to drink."

"Okay, Dad can drink more wine later, there is still a lot in the pot anyway."

"Well! Your father can now enjoy his food."

Seeing that both Zhao Tianfu and Liang Jinqiao said it was delicious, Zhao Pinger couldn't bear it anymore.

The reason why I didn't move my mouth when I smelled the fragrance was because I was afraid that it would smell good and taste bad.Since both Zhao Tianfu and Liang Jinqiao said it was delicious, it seems that the taste is not bad.

So he came to Zhao Yun'er excitedly, opened his mouth to Zhao Yun'er, and asked, "Yun'er, give me a piece too, I want to be late too!"

The corner of Zhao Yun'er's mouth twitched, and she gave Zhao Ping'er a blank look.

"If you want to eat, you can't hold it yourself, why do you ask me to hold it for you?"

What kind of psychology is this...

She thought it was normal to ask her to pick up food for others, but it was strange to ask her to pick up something for Zhao Pinger!
"Stingy ghost!" Zhao Ping'er muttered in displeasure.

"You don't have long hands yourself! If you don't eat it, don't eat it!"

"No, I want to eat!"

Zhao Ping'er quickly took a pair of chopsticks, and picked a piece of fat sausage on the plate.

After eating it, he exclaimed, "This... is this too delicious? Is it really made of pigs? Why is it not smelly at all, but still so fragrant and delicious?"

If she hadn't seen Zhao Yun'er take out pig offal to make it with her own eyes, she would never have believed it when others said that pig offal could make such delicious food.

After eating one piece, Zhao Pinger couldn't help but took another piece, the more she ate, the more she wanted to eat it.

Seeing that Zhao Ping'er started eating shamelessly, Zhao Yun'er cursed, "Zhao Ping'er, do you still eat like this? Do you eat it alone? You are so old, you don't understand anything! "

Zhao Ping'er waited for Zhao Yun'er angrily, because Zhao Yun'er had already removed the plate.

"There are so many pigs in the water, it's not enough, why don't you give them to me?"

"No matter how many pigs enter the water, it will definitely not be enough according to your eating method." Zhao Yun'er replied lightly.


"Sister Ping'er, wait for everyone to eat together at the dinner table, I hope you can understand some rules, don't be self-centered in everything, the things in our house are not yours alone."

(End of this chapter)

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