Farming with cute babies

Chapter 78 Eating

Chapter 78 Eating
As He Lianchen said, he couldn't help stuffing some lean meat porridge into his mouth.

"It's delicious, uncle, mother's porridge is delicious!" Doudou smiled at Mu Lianfeng with a satisfied face, then pointed to his bowl, "Uncle, you can eat it too, it's delicious."

The corners of Mu Lianfeng's lips rose slightly, and he said, "You eat, uncle doesn't."

He Lianchen muttered nonchalantly from the side, "Afeng, you should try it too, you will really regret it if you don't eat it."

Mu Lianfeng couldn't figure out what this lean meat porridge tasted like, but what did He Lianchen not eat?

Food from all over the world, as long as the Helian family wants to, can be moved to their dining table.

Naturally, Mu Lianfeng didn't know.

In this era, there are no fresh seasonings, and the delicious taste of these mushrooms makes people feel that they are rare in the world.

Soon He Lianchen ate a bowl of lean meat porridge, and when he wanted to eat some more, he held back, fearing that if he ate too much, he would not have the stomach for the delicacies that Zhao Yuner made later. to eat.

All the stomach pads are so delicious, not to mention Zhao Yuner's meticulously prepared meals later.

So I still eat a little leisurely, lest I regret it when I get it.

After Mu Lianfeng finished feeding Doudou, after a while, Zhao Yuner's dishes were almost ready.

Zhao Yun'er brought the dishes into the room, and greeted Mu Lianfeng and He Lianchen to eat.

On the table, several dishes were placed.

Braised pork, sweet and sour short ribs, hot and sour cabbage, lean meat balls, and a bowl of fresh mushrooms.

Although this mushroom has been placed at home for two days, it is still fresh.

The temperature is not high right now, so the food can be kept fresh for a longer period of time.

When Zhao Yuner made it, she reserved some braised pork broth, added some rapeseed oil into it, poured in the mushrooms and simmered, and when it was almost cooked, added some salt, and a pot of delicious mushrooms was ready. Made it out.

There are a lot of mushrooms at home. When Zhao Yuner made it, there was almost half a pot. If you can't eat it at noon, you can save it for dinner, and you can eat it tomorrow.

He Lianchen recognized all the other dishes on the table, but He Lianchen didn't recognize this dish of mushrooms. He pointed to the mushrooms on the table and asked Zhao Yuner, "Miss Yuner, what kind of dish are you cooking here? How come I've never seen it before."

Zhao Yun'er smiled slightly, "This is a dish that you don't want to eat. I sold it in the city, but I didn't sell it."

"That's it, but it looks good. Let me taste it. If it's good, Miss Yun'er, you have to sell me some. I'll take it home and ask my cook to cook it for me."

Zhao Yun'er laughed softly, "If you like to eat, young master, you can just take some from my house and take it home, no money will be charged."

"Hey, what's so embarrassing about this?"

"Eat quickly!" Zhao Yun'er herself was a little hungry.

Two big men were crowded together in her house. Such a dilapidated and low house was really out of place with these two big boys.

How could her small temple accommodate these two big Buddhas.

Having dinner at her home, Zhao Yun'er still felt a little wronged by these two people.

Because I don't even have to make a decent stool for others.

But to Zhao Yuner's relief, Murong Feng and He Lianchen didn't seem to care about this.

(End of this chapter)

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