Farming with cute babies

Chapter 810 Listen to What Girl Jinger Says

Chapter 810 Listen to What Girl Jinger Says

"Mother is right, as long as Jing'er in our family gives birth to a son, there is nothing to be afraid of at that time, and she will have a good life in the future."

"Well, that's true. If she misses Mr. Zheng, it will be difficult for Jing'er to find such a good family."

"But! The country people are poor, how can Jing'er live a good life."

"Then agree to return the marriage and marry Jing'er to Young Master Zheng?"

"Will Jing'er agree?"

"Why does she disagree? We are not harming her. We want her to live a good life. We can't hope for it."

"That's right. Many people can't wait for it. Speaking of which, our family, Jing'er, is relatively lucky."

"Okay, let's talk to Mr. Zheng. Don't think that we disagree and go back to find other girls. Such a good condition, our family Jing'er disagrees, and some people agree."




After discussing with several people, they turned around and came to Zheng Qian, preparing to restore Zheng Qian. When there was no problem, Zhao Baoshan jumped out and said very sternly, "How can this be done, we country people will not be reduced to Taoism." The point of being a concubine for others. Mr. Zheng, if Jing’er is really a concubine, then forget it. Our old Zhao family can’t afford to lose this person.”

After Zhao Baoshan finished speaking, Zhao Wenshui, Li Cuiying and Huo Chunhua all thought it was over.

Now that it's all over, Zheng Qian will probably be angry and really disagree with this marriage.

Huo Chunhua hurriedly said to Zhao Baoshan, "Old man, why are you fussing about so much? Isn't it just a matter of reputation? If our old Zhao family doesn't talk about it, who would know. The main thing is that girl Jing'er married, can you Live a good life, looking for a family for your children these days, isn't it just to hope that they will live comfortably in the future? Think about it, if Jing'er is married, she can eat and drink well every day, and there are people to take care of her, which is better than marrying us Ordinary people around here have to work tirelessly to serve their parents-in-law, their own man, and the whole family, okay?"

After Huo Chunhua finished speaking, Zhao Baoshan snorted softly, "You know how to care about these things, how can this little concubine be so good?"

"Oh, old man, let me tell you why you are so stubborn. You only want fame and fame. Why do we want such things for face? What's the use, you say? Can it be eaten as food? You don't care for the children Have you considered it in the future?"

Li Cuiying followed Huo Chunhua and replied, "Yes, Dad, the most important thing is that Jing'er lives well in the future, and it doesn't matter if I have a concubine or not."

"Father, it's not easy for our Jing'er to marry such a family. If she wants to be the main wife, does she still need to go to our countryside to find someone?"



Zhao Baoshan listened to Zhao Wenshui, Li Cuiying, and Huo Chunhua talking one by one, his brows furrowed deeper.

It makes sense to say one by one, but it is not.

But I just want money, it sounds nice.

Zhao Baoshan stared at these three people coldly, he really didn't dare to ignore anything for money.

However, Zhao Jinger is the daughter of Zhao Wenshui and Li Cuiying, so no matter how unhappy he is, he can't object too much.

Zhao Baoshan was silent for a while, looked up at Zhao Jinger, and said lightly, "Listen to what girl Jinger has to say first."

(End of this chapter)

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