Chapter 1197 Envy
When we got near the Vitality Branch Hall, we found that there were quite a few people.

An Zixuan had seen almost all of them. After everyone said hello, An Zixuan was waiting by the side.

Mu Peixiang naturally inquired about the situation in the past, then walked over and told An Zixuan.

After all, he was the one who found the person, so naturally he was the one who arranged it.

"Everyone thinks that someone will take turns guarding it. I don't know when the protective barrier will be removed. It's not a problem to stare at it all the time. Everyone takes turns to rest and maintain the best energy to deal with it."

"Sure." An Zixuan naturally didn't have any objections. According to the schedule, she stared at it first, and then she could rest in the evening.

"Thank you." An Zixuan knew when he saw the schedule, it was taking care of her.

Who's okay with staring outside at night without sleeping?
"It should." Mu Peixiang nodded with a smile, and after a few words of instruction to An Zixuan, he left.

It is inevitable to take care of An Zixuan, she is now the hottest figure in Tongzhan City, who would not rush to curry favor?

Even the masters of other branch halls, people from aristocratic families, want to make friends with An Zixuan.

Make it easy for her, that's normal.

An Zixuan didn't take it for granted because of this, he still thanked her, just for this, his impression of An Zixuan became better and better.

Since she was staring at him during the day, An Zixuan did not slack off, and just stayed in her place obediently.

What's more, she won't be bored when she stays.

Holding the kitten in her arms, rubbing it back and forth, it feels so good that she can't stop at all.

The kitten was also happy, lying in An Zixuan's arms, with its legs up in the air, and its tail flicked, which showed that it was in a good mood.

The little bird nestled on An Zixuan's shoulder and dozed off, and the little squirrel sat on Xingchen's shoulder, holding hazelnuts and nibbling non-stop.

After the little squirrel finished eating one, Xing Chen handed it one, which was a tacit cooperation.

Seeing the little squirrel holding a hazelnut, Xingchen's eyes lit up.

Men also like this furry thing, it's so cute.

So, while handing the little squirrel Hazel, his fingers quickly touched the little squirrel's furry head.

The little squirrel stopped eating the hazelnuts suddenly, holding the hazelnuts in its two little paws and just stood there frozen.

Only now did Xingchen remember that this squirrel seemed to be stronger than him.

What was he thinking just now?

Do you have to touch it itchy?

I owe so much!
After the little squirrel froze for a moment, he lowered his head and continued nibbling on the hazelnuts.

This time, Xingchen was stunned for a moment, and then, he grinned and opened his mouth.

Seeing Xing Chen's silly look, the little squirrel threw the cracked hazelnut shell on Xing Chen's head.

This time, Xing Chen was brought back to his senses, and when he looked down, he saw the disdain in the little squirrel's eyes.

Xingchen touched his forehead, which didn't hurt, and hurriedly gave him another hazelnut.

The little squirrel took it and continued to eat.

An Zixuan and the others stayed here comfortably, and the other warriors watched with envy in their eyes.

After all, they knew that the three beside An Zixuan were definitely not ordinary animals, they were monsters.

Especially the one in An Zixuan's arms, which is a level eight monster.

To be so coquettish in An Zixuan's arms, it's really great to have such a good relationship with her.

It would be great if they could also have an eighth-level monster.

(End of this chapter)

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