Shocking Scrap Elementalist

Chapter 1256 Exception

Chapter 1256 Exception
"Mu Hengchen." The young man's voice was clear and agile, like the clear spring in the mountain stream, refreshing the heart.

If the boy didn't have the big knife in his hand, the picture would be even more perfect.

A big knife was held in the palm of the young man, which inexplicably made people feel Sen Han's killing intent.

Before the sword is drawn, the murderous intent has arrived.

"I am." In Mu Hengchen's indifferent heart for many years, a crack appeared because of his youth, and he made an exception and said a few more words.

If anyone else dared to break into his manor at night, he would be a corpse by now.

As far as Mu Hengchen is concerned, his attitude is much better than in the past, but the young man doesn't know what Mu Hengchen is like on weekdays.

From Xuan Mo's point of view, Mu Hengchen is just a bastard.

Let Mu Shuyi frame people outside casually, and he sits at home waiting to reap the benefits.

Such a bastard is still so arrogant now.

Who are you proud of?

"Are you coming to kill me?" Mu Hengchen noticed that the hatred in the young man's eyes was getting stronger and stronger, but he was not as impatient as before, and just thought it was funny.

How many years has no one dared to treat him like this?
This feeling is really fresh.

"For sure you have self-knowledge." Xuan Mo's blunt words made Mu Hengchen smile even more. His reaction almost drove Xuan Mo mad.

What does Mu Hengchen mean?
look down on him?

"Since you know that I am Mu Hengchen, do you know that I am a ninth-level fighter?" Mu Hengchen asked amusedly.

The flame of anger in the boy's eyes was so intense that he didn't even know how to hide it.

Just like a kitten with blown fur, how cute it looks.

The heart that has been dead for so many years has gentle ripples because of the youth.

There was actually a leisurely feeling of wanting to tease the younger generation.

This really doesn't look like him.

For many years, he didn't have the basic human emotions.

And tonight, this young man who appeared out of nowhere actually broke his countless habits and became a special case.

"Is the ninth-level fighter amazing?" Xuan Mo didn't pay attention at all.

Isn't he incapable of fighting?
He has an inherent advantage.

"Okay." Mu Hengchen smiled, nodded and said, "Ninth-level fighters are really nothing special."

So what if he is a level nine fighter?
The person he cared about the most is gone, and nothing can change.

What is the use of a ninth-level fighter?

There was a sense of sadness in Mu Hengchen's words, which made Xuan Mo inexplicably feel sad.

Immediately, he quickly shook off this strange sadness.

What is he sad about?
He and Mu Hengchen have a hostile relationship, what's so sad about it?
Mu Hengchen is sad, he should be happy.

"Are you here to kill me?" Mu Hengchen asked as he turned his eyes around the big knife in Xuan Mo's hand.

"Naturally!" Xuan Mo nodded.

"Since you are here to kill me, you can't even give your name?" Mu Hengchen asked with a smile.

"Xuan Mo!" Xuan Mo directly reported his name.

What is he afraid of?
He came here as a man, because he was not afraid of being exposed by Mu Hengchen.

Hmph, who would have thought that the kitten next to Zixuan was actually him?

He had already planned.

"Xuan Mo...a good name." Mu Hengchen repeated Xuan Mo's name and nodded in satisfaction.

Xuan Mo's face is almost the same color as his name, does he need Mu Hengchen to comment on his name?
(End of this chapter)

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