Chapter 807

An Zixuan's words made Jian Derun's heart skip a beat, what if Zixuan really hit the mark...

Jian Derun looked at the crazy crowd in front of him, and then thought about the uncontrolled scene in the capital, his whole heart sank.

As if to test An Zixuan's thoughts, someone among the guards let out a scream, which attracted his companions to look over.

Only a shallow knife wound was left on the sick warrior, and he pinched the guard's neck with one hand.

When the companion saw it, the counterattack was a stick, hitting the back of the sick fighter.

The strength used was completely according to the estimate, this time, it was enough to knock out the sick fighter.

Can you not kill people... They still don't want to kill people!

With a bang, the onset fighter just shook his body, turned his head, and stared at the guard who beat him.

The crimson eyes looked like an evil ghost climbing up from the underworld, which made the guard's heart tighten, and he backed away quickly without even thinking.

At the same time, he shouted: "They have become stronger!"

This sound shocked the hearts of everyone who resisted the onset fighters.

Some people came to understand and knew that these sick fighters were getting stronger, but some people had a few more wounds on their bodies after being so dazed.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to dodge in time, otherwise... his life would be in danger.

"Kill if you can, retreat immediately if you can't!" His Majesty Xuanhui said in a deep voice.

After hearing the order, everyone quickened their movements and evacuated outside at the same time.

The onset fighter lived in a separate courtyard. After everyone retreated quickly, the heavy courtyard door was closed and the door was closed, and the sound of frantic beating and pounding could still be heard inside.

His Majesty Xuan Hui's face was so ugly that he hurriedly asked for an inventory of the casualties.

In just this short period of time, 50 people died, hundreds were seriously injured, and countless were slightly injured.

The manpower was assigned to heal the wounded, and all the medicinal element liquid stored in the manor was used.

The faces of the others were also the same as His Majesty Xuan Hui's, very ugly.

At this time, An Zixuan said, "This situation is the same as the crazy beast in the secret realm of the beginning."

The situation at that time was not only known to her, but also to other warriors who went to the secret realm in the early days. Naturally, they had already sorted it out and reported it to His Majesty Xuanhui.

And other people naturally knew the situation at that time.

"Could it be that... this was premeditated?" The president of the Elementalists Association frowned and said, "From the very beginning when the battle master got sick, it was already premeditated, wanting to make Xuanhui mess up?"

The President of the Elementalists Association looked at His Majesty Xuan Hui.

His Majesty Xuanhui shook his head: "It doesn't look like something done by other countries."

"No matter what, Your Majesty, should we first solve the problem of those warriors who are ill?" asked the dean of the Warrior Academy.

Although the fence of this manor has been reinforced, it can't hold the thousands of people inside, crowded together, and attacking the fence together, how long can they last?

Even if it is reinforced with special forged things, it really won't last long.

"The people inside have gone crazy, there is no way to stay." Rong Gaoge said, "Kill them all!"

As soon as Rong Gaoge said that, even His Majesty Xuanhui frowned.

Killing thousands of people's like slaughtering several villages.

If you say they are heinous people, that's all. Those warriors are just controlled and lost their minds. Are they really going to kill them all?
(End of this chapter)

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