Master help me recharge

Chapter 332 2 Tigers

Chapter 332 Two Tigers
Cheng Sizhe stuttered and asked, "Minister Gu...did you mention the reason?"

Chen Yuheng stood up, turned around and picked up his coat, and said lightly: "If I say that these people are corrupt officials, will your conscience feel better?"

Cheng Sizhe said in disbelief: "But these people are still in office, unlike Old General Wu, who rarely sees foreigners, if these officials are replaced by robots, they will definitely be ruined!"

"How to use it specifically..." Chen Yuheng turned to look at him, "That's Minister Gu's business, we have no right to interfere. Cheng Sizhe, you have to understand that RK is no longer the old RK. It cannot be refused, nor can there be any objection."

Cheng Sizhe was stunned, then lowered his head, "Yes... I know what to do."

"I'll leave it to you tonight."

Chen Yuheng put on his coat and walked out of the laboratory.

He was in the same mood as Cheng Sizhe, not at all relaxed.

There is only one word for the six people on the list: death.

Of course, if there is a trial, these people will also inevitably die.But that would at least go through a public trial and be sanctioned by the law, instead of the current...secret, dark, and illegal lynching.

Once started, it's hard to stop.

Chen Yuheng left the RK building, the bodyguard opened the car door for him, and he sat in the car, his thoughts still lingering on what Gu Haoyan said.

"...This list is approved by Wu Qingen...We will select reliable people, transplant them into the robot, and then replace these people..."

Just now he felt that something was wrong.

Those people's positions are not low, why does Gu Haoyan think that he can transplant them unconsciously, and then steal them?
Chen Yuheng immediately thought... Wu Qingen was involved in this matter.

Like Lu Zhengde, Wu Qingen has deep roots in the army, and there are many direct subordinates of him in the Military Commission. Although he has no children in his life, unlike Lu Zhengde who has such a good grandson as Lu Anxu, Wu Qingen has Xiao Yu, this young man who is loyal to him, has been promoted to the youngest chief of staff of the Military Commission under Wu Qingen's planning.

And Xiao Yu has the authority to dispatch troops.

No matter how high the official is, when facing the army, he is a tiger with his teeth pulled out, vulnerable to a single blow.

One, use the armed forces of the opponent's army to eliminate obstacles.

One is to use the opponent's political connections to obtain intelligence information.

Gu Haoyan...

Wu Qingen...

Did these two people coincide with each other, or...premeditated?
Sitting in the car, Chen Yuheng fell into deep thought.

When he was taken away by Wu Qingen's men and trapped for three days, did Gu Haoyan mean anything here?
If so……

Then RK, I'm afraid it has been targeted since the time of the Mars project.

Now, what should he do?
If it continues, I'm afraid that one day, they will get his idea. If they want to completely control RK, all they need is...a robot with the same face as him...

It seems that it's time to find a way to get out.

Chen Yuheng closed his eyes and remained silent in thought.


That night, Gu Anbao went to bed early.

Because she has to prepare for the online exam that starts in the early morning of the next day.

The exam time is March 3. The normal unified exam is at 28:[-] in the morning, but for some candidates who are physically inconvenient to travel, the school organizes a separate online unified exam at [-]:[-] in the afternoon.

There is a 15-hour time difference between Vancouver's local time and Qingjiang City. Two o'clock in the afternoon there is equivalent to five o'clock in the morning on March 3 in Qingjiang City.

Therefore, Gu Anbao went to bed almost before eight o'clock in the evening, just to ensure that he would get up before five o'clock and be full of energy!

Everyone in the Gu family followed suit and turned off the TV at seven o'clock in the evening to prevent any sound that might disturb Gu Anbao's rest. Even the family dog ​​was locked in the bedroom by Gu Anqi early. One thing, a dog is what one could wish for.

At four o'clock in the morning, Gu Ma got up to prepare a nutritious breakfast.

At 04:30, Gu Anbao has finished washing, dressed neatly, adjusted the camera, checked the network, everything is OK.Then while eating breakfast, quietly waiting for the exam to start.

At 45:[-], the screen prompts candidates to enter the examination room.The room is randomly assigned by the system. After clicking to enter, the camera is automatically connected for network video.

It can be seen that there is a classroom on the other side of the video, facing a table and three chairs.

There is no one in the video now, and the three examiners will enter the venue at five o'clock to communicate with Gu Anbao online.

It feels a bit like an interview. The three examiners will ask Gu Anbao some questions one after another, such as why he wants to apply for the Vancouver School of Art and Design, why he chose the major of intelligent mechanical design, and what plans he has for his future studies, etc.

After talking for about half an hour, the examiner asked questions and then left.

Gu Anbao had to complete the exam questions in the next 10 minutes and submit them online to complete the entire exam.

The camera will record her entire exam process to prevent suspicion of cheating.

——After the two-hour exam, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.

Gu Anbao submitted his test paper, but his excitement still couldn't calm down.

For a person who completes most of her courses through tutors and online courses, this is the first time she has taken the exam in a decent way!

And I'm still going to college!
It feels... so interesting!I haven't taken the exam enough, I want to take the exam again!
Gu Anbao thought happily, if he didn't pass the exam this time, he would definitely take the exam again next year, it was so fun!
Walking out of the room, father, mother, sister and dog are all around the door of the room.

"How is it? Do you feel that you can perform well?" Gu Ma asked impatiently.

Gu Anbao smiled shyly, "I don't know...but it's quite interesting. The examiner said that he likes some of the ideas in my works, and he also said that he hoped that I could perform better in the exam..."

"Oh, the examiner likes you very much!" Gu Anqi said with a smile, "The interview score accounts for 40%!"

Gu Anbao nodded, "Well, it's quite interesting, and I want to try again."

Everyone laughed: "It is estimated that only our Anbao thinks the exam is interesting, hahahaha..."

Gu Anbao also laughed along with them, and said, "I haven't tried it before... However, there are a few places in the conversation with the examiner, and my English pronunciation is a bit stuttered..."

"What's the matter! Who doesn't stutter a few words during the interview? It's okay, it's okay, I will definitely pass the exam!"

Gu Ma said again: "Relax after the exam, do you want to eat something? I'll go stew some bird's nest..."

"No, I want to go out." Gu Anbao shook his head.

Gu Ma asked in surprise, "It's only seven o'clock, where are you going?"

Gu Anqi smiled narrowly, "Where else can I go? Of course I'm going to Chen Yuheng!"

Gu Anbao pursed his lips, blushing in embarrassment.


(End of this chapter)

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