God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1108 This Girl Is My Destiny

Chapter 1108 This Girl Is My Destiny

There is not only one painting on the ground, but the whole room is covered with his portraits, and, without exception, they are all the paintings he painted when he was pretending to be a woman...

"You, these paintings..." Seeing that Lei Yize was sitting in front of the desk looking at it seriously, Lin Sheng thought for a moment that he had been exposed, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Brother Lin, who is the woman in this painting?" Lei Yize looked obsessively at the smiling beauty in the painting, and asked urgently.

"You, why are you asking this?" Lin Sheng didn't know why, and his heart beat faster.

"Brother Lin, I accidentally discovered this girl's painting during the two days you went home to recuperate, and fell in love with her at first sight. I couldn't help myself..." Lei Yize said, looking at the woman in the painting, Said obsessively.

Lin Sheng never expected that Lei Yize would like himself pretending to be a woman!
In the blink of an eye, he came up with an extremely bold idea.

"Do you really like to draw this woman?" Seeing Lei Yize nodding his head, Lin Sheng asked again with his heart beating wildly, "Even if, even if this woman is different from ordinary women, you still like it?"

"Naturally! To tell you the truth, Brother Lin, this girl is my true destiny, no matter what she is, I like her." Lei Yize looked at Lin Sheng expectantly, "Brother Lin, this girl is so similar to you, is it you?" Who is it?"

"He... is my younger sister, Lin'er." Lin Sheng lowered his eyes and made up his mind, "To tell you the truth, my father is planning to send me out on business for half a year, and my younger sister wants to come to the college to study alone. I really don't like it." Don't worry, it's better to introduce him to you, you have to treat him well."

"Okay, brother Lin, don't worry, as long as Miss Lin'er also likes me, I will definitely take care of her wholeheartedly!" Lei Yize's reassuring voice was resonant and powerful, and Lin Sheng believed it.

And these are the beginnings of the tragedy.

Xia Zishang could almost guess what happened next, but she insisted on watching.

The illusion in front of them continued to flicker, and the dazzling sunlight came in from the window. They were located in the attic room.

Outside the window, the sound of the students working hard on the practice field could be heard continuously. In the room, a girl in a lotus-colored dress was making the bed. Her movements were very skillful, obviously she was used to it.

At this time, Xue Nu's figure flickered, and then appeared beside them.

Xue Nu's icy blue eyes were full of reluctance and guilt, staring closely at the little maid who tidied up the bed.

The little servant girl moved swiftly, with a gloomy face on her face, she sighed and asked anxiously, "Master, are you really determined to be with Master Lei?"

The little girl's voice was bright, and she just finished speaking. A young girl, no, it should be said that it was a handsome boy in women's clothing, slowly walked out from behind the screen on one side.

This young man's skin is whiter than snow, and his beauty is indistinguishable from male and female, especially those almond eyes with hidden glances. He is even more beautiful than a woman. If it weren't for the young man's flat chest and the protruding Adam's apple in his fair throat, Xia Zishang would have almost Thought he was a beautiful girl.

This young man is clearly Lin Sheng who continues to stay in the academy under the guise of his younger sister Lin Er!

"I finally know why it was written in the kit before that Erlang was mistakenly called Jiao'e." Yusheng said in disbelief.

Xue Nu hooked her lips in self-deprecating manner, her eyes full of desolation and desolation that could not be concealed made her look charming.

"Hezhu, you're here again. Didn't I tell you? Yilang has changed, he's different from before, can't you see his intentions for me this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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