God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1118 Makes You Regret What You Did

Chapter 1118 Makes You Regret What You Did

I didn't expect Xia Zishang's speed to be so fast. Li Feng didn't even have any time to react, and Xia Zishang kicked him up, hitting his chin!

Teeth knocked together heavily, Li Feng bit the tip of his tongue, and let out a muffled groan of pain.

A raging anger rose from the depths of his eyes, and Li Feng took a step forward like a madman, raised his fist and smashed Xia Zishang's head heavily!

Yusheng arrived in time, and the mahogany sword in her hand firmly blocked Li Feng's fierce blow.

Blocking Li Feng's fist with a mahogany sword in one hand, Yusheng turned the other plain white palm and patted Li Feng's heart.

Li Feng was no match for the two of them, he hurriedly took two steps back, feeling a tightness in his chest.

His chest was heavy as if he was pressing on a boulder, Li Feng felt a sharp pain from the tip of his tongue, and his mouth was filled with fishy sweetness.

"Okay, how dare you two join forces!" Li Feng turned his head and spat out a mouthful of blood, his face seemed to be covered with a haze, and he said angrily, "Since you came to the door on your own initiative, I will send you all together today." Killed."

Xia Zishang was amused by Li Feng's words, and sharpness surged in her nimble phoenix eyes, "It's up to you?"

The three faint words concealed disdain and strong sarcasm.

He looked like he didn't take Li Feng seriously.

"I must make you regret what you did!" Li Feng was enraged, his eyes were red with anger, his arms shook rapidly, and he stuffed the blood-red pill that had been hidden in the armband into his mouth.

Immediately, the pure medicinal power wandered in Li Feng's body, making his face flushed like a boiled prawn, blue veins protruded from his forehead, and his muscles bulged like stones.

Too much power suddenly appeared in Li Feng's body, its strength even broke Li Feng's skin, and blood seeped out from every pore of him, making him instantly a blood man.

Feeling that the internal force in Li Feng's body was rising steadily, Yusheng showed a dignified expression, "Master Xia, what he took is a forbidden drug that can increase internal force in a short period of time! Now his strength has more than doubled compared to before, you must be careful!"

"Understood." Xia Zishang just nodded, and then saw Li Feng's lips curled up, laughing wildly.

"Xia Ye, I'm going to make you pay for your frivolity today!" Li Feng roared, his eyes turned a strange crimson red, and his figure shot out from the spot like a toad. He raised his palm and slapped Xia Zishang directly.

Xia Zishang dodged sideways, listening to a gust of wind whistling past her ears.

Immediately afterwards, Li Feng's powerful fists grazed her side and landed heavily, hitting the ground where she was standing just now.

For a moment, gravel splashed, and Li Feng smashed a deep hole into the hard ground.

The spider web-like cracks around the deep pit are still spreading, step by step towards Xia Zishang's direction.

Quickly backing away to increase the distance between Li Feng and Xia Zishang, he aimed at Li Feng's door and flicked it with his fingers.

The poisoned silver needle wrapped the internal force and went straight to Li Feng's face.

Li Feng was caught off guard and was stuck in the nose by a silver needle.

In an instant, Li Feng felt that the silver needle landed on the tip of his nose, like a wasp's sting, his eyes turned black from the pain, seeing his nose swollen, tall and big, and his red nose looked even more ridiculous To the extreme.

"Xia Ye! You did it on purpose!!" Li Feng was so angry that he almost spurted blood, his five fingers formed into claws, and he swung his claws straight at Xia Zishang from the air!

(End of this chapter)

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