God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1130 A rare handsome man

Chapter 1130 A rare handsome man
In the level of Linglong Tower, it is not surprising to encounter any danger, Leng Yue has no interest in joking with her life here.

After Liu Meiling nodded, the two girls hurriedly changed their clothes and returned to their respective rooms.

In the middle of the night, a thick layer of dark clouds covered the bright moon in the sky, casting an invisible yin energy on the courtyard where everyone was staying.

The stars move, and the night passes.

Everyone got up early the next day.

They all left the room after washing and came to the courtyard. Xia Zishang found that Liu Meiling and Leng Yue's complexions were not very good. There was a layer of black and blue under their eyes, as if they had not rested well.

On the contrary, Fan Wenchang seemed to be resting well. He was full of energy, and he came up to care and asked, "Why is Miss Liu's face so ugly?"

Liu Meiling glanced at Fan Wenchang indifferently, "My business doesn't matter, but I want to ask you, what did you see in the well yesterday, and why did you react so strongly?"

Liu Meiling's question made everyone's eyes light up at the same time. Everyone knew how important the answer to this question was, so they remained silent, waiting for Fan Wenchang to speak.

Xia Zishang felt that Liu Meiling asked a good question, and saved her from the trouble of speaking.

Fan Wenchang shook a gold-inlaid folding fan in his hand, and sighed, "I don't remember."

"What?" Liu Meiling didn't expect Fan Wenchang to say that, she frowned suspiciously, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "My lord, we are all people who came here together, you are pretending not to remember, But it would break my heart."

"I really don't remember." Fan Wenchang shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't even know what Liu Meiling asked.

Seeing that Fan Wenchang was so persistent, Liu Meiling didn't ask the bottom line.

When Xia Zishang saw Fan Wenchang talking, the folding fan in his hand covered most of his face, and at the same time covered the expression on his face.

As for whether what Fan Wenchang said is true or not, it remains to be investigated.

"Why didn't the old man come yesterday?" Xia Zishang glanced at his closed door and found that the old man Tiangui was not there.

"Does this still need to be asked? He is so old, it is normal for him to snooze a little bit." Fan Wenchang said disapprovingly.

Others don't care either.

Only Gong Wuxie's voice as clear as running water sounded, "I'll go and have a look."

After Gong Wuxie finished speaking, she strode towards the old man's room with long legs.

Xia Zishang saw the distraught Leng Yue beside her, staring obsessively at Gong Wuxie's back.

It's not incomprehensible, Xia Zishang also admitted that Gong Wuxie is a rare and handsome man.

Today, Gong Wuxie is wearing a crescent white robe, and his whole body looks like a bright moon in the sky, emitting a seemingly soft, but actually cold light. This man is facing them with his back, just a back view is like a painting .

However, Xia Zishang just glanced at it with an attitude of appreciation and then withdrew her gaze, other than that, she didn't have much other reactions.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

At this time, a little milk dog that looked like it was adopted by the temple came from nowhere. It was biting Leng Yue's trouser leg, wagging its tail towards Leng Yue while tugging.

"Ah, so cute!" Leng Yue exclaimed, squatting down and touching the little milk dog's head.

(End of this chapter)

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