Chapter 1134

Taking a surprise look at Liu Meiling, Xia Zishang didn't expect her to come out in the first place. In addition, she was also surprised that this woman was so good-looking, so a few words eased the atmosphere.

Sure enough, people can't be seen.

Just as Xia Zishang thought about it, she saw Liu Meiling turn her head to look at her.

The fox's eyes were captivating, and Liu Meiling winked at Xia Zishang seductively.

The hairs on Xia Zishang's back trembled.

Quickly averted his gaze, Xia Zishang was not blessed to accept the beauty's favor.

Liu Meiling smiled coquettishly, but suddenly felt a gaze as cold as ice, lightly falling on her body.

The body trembled subconsciously, Liu Meiling looked towards the owner of the line of sight.

Gong Wuxie's pair of golden and silver pupils was full of cloudy and uncertain light, he pursed his lips and looked at Liu Meiling, his expression was sharp for some reason.

Xia Zishang also noticed the change in Gong Wuxie's mood.

What's going on here, is it possible that Gong Wuxie also wants to enjoy the charming eyes of the beauty?

Liu Meiling and Xia Zishang thought of going together, so they just gave Gong Wuxie a wink.

Unexpectedly, not only did Gong Wuxie not accept it, but she sneered and looked away in disgust.

Seeing the embarrassment on Liu Meiling's face, Xia Zishang looked away, and continued to Jinhe, "I want to know why the old man Tiangui died after breaking the taboo."

What kind of punishment would be faced after violating the taboo? The old man Tiangui died so miserably.

"The little monk doesn't know either. But the little monk will ask someone to help, seal the old benefactor's body in the altar, and save the old benefactor's soul as soon as possible after the old benefactor's grievances are eliminated. Please don't worry, all benefactors." Jin Jin He said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"Breakfast is ready, everyone, please follow the monk to eat." Jin He smiled and offered to propose.

"I just saw so many corpses, who wants to eat." Xiaoge said resentfully.

"Then everyone, why don't you go to the back mountain for a stroll. The scenery there is very beautiful, and you can relax as you like." After finishing speaking, Jinhe turned around and left.

"Let's go to the back mountain together?" Gong Wuxie only said to Xia Zishang, not to invite everyone.

"Yeah." The cooperation with Gong Wuxie was good last time, and Xia Zishang did not resist this time. After saying this, he and Gong Wuxie walked through the forest in front of them and headed for the back mountain.

The remaining four quickly chased after them.

After a while, the back mountain.

What Jinhe said is true. The peaks and ridges of the back mountain are endless and the scenery is beautiful. Walking among the lush and ancient trees, the sunlight is projected on the canopy and mottled shadows are cast on the ground. In the jungle, the birds and animals are full of vitality. running in the woods.

The six of Xia Zishang were walking in the woods. Their originally gloomy mood improved a lot after seeing the vibrant scene in front of them.

Looking around, Xia Zishang didn't find anything abnormal, let alone feel anything wrong.

Confirming that Jinhe asked them to come to the back mountain, it must not be as simple as asking them to see the scenery, Xia Zishang's eyes slowly swept around, looking for clues.

However, there is nothing here.

After wandering around for a long time, I didn't find anything, and everyone's faces were not very good-looking.

In addition, they didn't eat breakfast, and everyone was hungry and thirsty. Even if they accidentally found some sour and sweet wild raspberries in the bushes, it would not be of much use.

(End of this chapter)

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