God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1145 Soul Relief Money

Chapter 1145 Soul Relief Money

But no matter what the rain did, there was no way she would go out tonight.

After taking all the guesses and thoughts in his heart, Xia Zishang changed his clothes and lay down on the bed to rest.

The torrential rain lasted all night and finally stopped at sunrise the next day.

The soil on the mountain was thoroughly poured, and the mud floor in the small courtyard became extremely muddy. The ground was soft when stepped on, leaving a watery footprint with one foot.

Not caring about the muddy ground, Xia Zishang got up early in the morning, and after a hasty breakfast, wandered around the Bodhi Temple alone.

The Bodhi Temple is very large. The terrain here is excellent. There are purple clouds and auspicious clouds all around, and it is full of spiritual energy. It is indeed a beautiful and sacred place.

But thinking back to what happened here after they came to Bodhi Temple, Xia Zishang felt that things were not that simple.

Wandering aimlessly, Xia Zishang came to the backyard of the temple.

There is a small garden in the backyard, where many types of flowers are planted. When spring comes, a hundred flowers bloom in the garden, competing for beauty.

Seeing a rare dark-colored peony in the small garden, Xia Zishang raised her brows with interest, took another look and then looked away.

At this time, she stepped on a round and hard object.

Immediately, a biting cold came like a flood, surging upwards from the soles of the feet, spreading all over Xia Zishang's body!

Xia Zishang's expression changed suddenly.

The coldness seemed to be embedded in the bone marrow, and it was fleeting.

Xia Zishang moved her feet and looked down, just in time to see something hidden in the mud on the ground.

Xia Zishang squatted down and took off the water hyacinth around her waist. After washing away the mud, she found that there was an antique copper coin hidden inside.

And she just accidentally stepped on this copper coin.

This copper coin is very similar to the copper coins used by ordinary people in the past, except that this copper coin is made of black copper, and it is engraved with the four characters of Zhenhun Potian.

When Xia Zishang saw these four characters clearly, his face changed.

This copper coin is actually a soul-suppressing coin!

As the name suggests, soul suppressing money is for suppressing souls, usually to suppress evil spirits, and it is regarded as a sacred object, but besides the words on this soul suppressing money, there is also a poor and strange beast engraved on it, which shows that the soul suppressing money suppresses Not ordinary evil spirits, but something else.

The soul-relief money has been buried in the ground for a long time, if it wasn't for the heavy rain last night that washed the soul-relief money out of the ground, Xia Zishang would not have stepped on it.

Looking around, Xia Zishang found nothing unusual.

Having soul-suppressing money means that there must be some kind of evil being suppressed nearby.

Quickly took out the gossip compass, Xia Zishang can't summon the old turtle now, and can't use spiritual power, so he can only use the compass to roughly deduce the location of the evil thing.

Gathering her mind, Xia Zishang dropped the soul-relief money on the compass.


The soul-suppressing money hangs above the compass, and a piercing yin energy flows into Xia Zishang's body along the compass.

Normally, Xia Zishang's spiritual power would kill her before this yin energy appeared, but now she has no choice but to endure.

Fortunately, her compass deduced extremely quickly, and soon pointed to the direction of the garden.

Putting away the compass quickly, Xia Zishang walked into the garden, ignoring the gloomy cold, clutching the soul-relief money in her palm.

The flowers in the garden are blooming delicately, and the warm and bright sunshine is projecting on the flowers. The breeze sweeps by, and everything looks calm.

(End of this chapter)

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