God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1150 Innocent son, what are you laughing at?

Chapter 1150 Innocent son, what are you laughing at?
Xia Zishang didn't react too much to the words.

Since Jinhe said that going out and peeking are taboos, she would not risk her life.

What's more, there is a Taiyin lock magic formation in the Bodhi Temple. If this formation is not done well, it will destroy the world, let alone be careless.

Gong Wuxie saw that Xia Zishang entered the room with her share of dinner, without any objection during the whole process, so the corners of her lips could not help but curl up.

"Master Wuxie, what are you laughing at?" Gong Wuxie raised the corners of her lips, and Liu Meiling asked curiously.

"It's nothing." After Gong Wuxie finished speaking, she returned to her room with her share of dinner.

The night is like pouring black ink, dyeing the sky into pitch black. Tonight is a full moon. A round of pale bright moon hangs high in the sky, which makes people feel frightened just by looking at it.

The pale moonlight coated everything in the small bamboo forest courtyard with a layer of silver gauze. Under the moonlight, every room and house was tightly closed, and the small courtyard was so quiet that not even the sound of insects could be heard. There was a rattling sound from the dark well in the courtyard.

It was as if someone was slowly paddling the calm water surface, causing waves to startle on the water surface, and a strong sense of gloom brewed between the waves.

In the middle of the night, there was a clanging sound in the air.

The cold and solemn bell was brewing thickly and long in the air, especially in this silent night.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the monks in the temple wearing black cassocks with special charms drawn on them, and holding white lanterns in their hands, stepping on the long wind in the spring night, their shadows were elongated by the fire like ghosts, and floated into the bamboo forest In the small courtyard.

Looking carefully, these monks are all holding a shining blade in their hands. These blades have no scabbards, and the handles are wrapped with white bandages. The sharp blades are even sharper against the firelight.

Everyone wears a weird wooden mask, with smiling faces, crying faces and angry faces crudely drawn on the masks, covering the real expressions of the monks. Through the two holes in the masks, you can only face The monks opened their dull eyes angrily.

The head abbot, holding a staff, walked, and there was a crisp collision sound from the staff, blending with the bell, and they stepped into the small courtyard of the bamboo forest.

Straight to the front of Heijing, the abbot's shrewd old eyes showed unconcealable excitement, he straightened his body in awe, and bowed to Heijing.

The other monks looked at the abbot's move, and all of them showed strong jealousy, as if the abbot's move was something worth showing off.

"Holy Lord of the Heavenly Spirit, I ask the Holy Lord to obey our call..." the abbot muttered something, and while speaking, his monks quickly carried a deer.

The fawn's four hooves were hung on an iron rod, its mouth was also gagged, and its big wet eyes were full of fear until it was trapped on an iron frame and placed on a black well.

The little deer seemed to be very afraid of the things in the black well, and was too frightened to struggle.

It is right above the black well at the moment, and it is afraid that if it is not careful, it will fall into the well!
With crazy eyes, the monks looked at the deer and clenched the sharp blades in their hands.

While the flames were reflecting, a monk rushed forward, piercing the fawn's body with a puff of a knife.

The deer was gagged, unable to scream, and could only wriggle its body vigorously, trying to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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