Chapter 1157

A dazzling glare was released around the colorful gems, and a huge enchantment was built, blocking the road, sealing the menacing skeletons, and stopping them.

Seeing that Gong Wuxie did not use spiritual power to fight, Xia Zishang raised her eyebrows.

What Gong Wuxie used was a spiritual weapon that had stored spiritual power in advance, so it could be used even if it didn't use spiritual power.

Seeing this, Xia Zishang could guess that the forces behind Gong Wuxie were probably even more powerful than she had imagined!

The barrier temporarily blocked the skeleton army, but they couldn't admit defeat, let out bursts of angry roars, and frantically wanted to rush up and tear the three of them apart.

It seems that in the eyes of these skeletons, they are not human beings, but a delicacy for them to enjoy.

The delicious food that came to the mouth was gone, how could the skeletons bear it, the fingers full of corpse poison sizzled and eroded the colorful barrier, trying to break through it!

Like a group of demons dancing wildly, the skeletons beat the barrier desperately with great force, shaking the barrier constantly.

The yin and resentment around the skeletons are like dark clouds, leaving large waves in the air. These breaths are the nemesis of the enchantment, and they can't use spiritual power now. Gong Wuxie can build such an enchantment to delay. Not easy!
Behind the skeleton army, there are still more skeletons coming one after another.

The three of them froze slightly when they saw this scene, and without hesitation, they smashed the bones of the skeletons that kept popping up on the ground, and rushed out of the encirclement!

"That barrier won't last long, we have to make a quick decision, find the clues as soon as possible and leave here." Gong Wuxie was very aware of the power of the barrier, and said sarcastically.

"But how do we leave, those skeletons are staring at us, if we turn our heads back, we will still be attacked by them!" Liu Meiling said at a loss.

"Let's settle the immediate matter first." Xia Zishang was sure that the skeleton army was not the main force, and the really tricky things were actually hidden deeper.

Running all the way, the three went straight to the depths of the cave.

The cold and solemn wind blew past the three people's ears, attacking the three people's nerves forcefully.

Ignoring the biting chill of the cold wind invading the body, the three of Xia Zishang moved forward all the way, and finally stopped in front of a pitch-black gate.

The heavy and heavy gate is five meters high and three meters high. The whole body is made of hard cold iron, with a picture of ten thousand ghosts worshiping demons drawn on it. Everything is pierced through, their faces are ferocious, their expressions are wild and ferocious, they face the demon in the picture as if they have gone mad, and bow respectfully.

What is surprising is that the demon in the picture is not ferocious, nor does it look eerie, but smiles slightly, with a hint of Buddha nature that can save all living beings.

It has no face, and its whole body is pitch black, but it sits on the lotus, with its soft fingers hanging down, as if it is giving gifts to the evil spirits.

Such a strange picture appeared straightforwardly in the eyes of the three people present, making them all feel a little weird.

The Buddha and the devil are incompatible, but why does the devil in this picture shine with holy light?

"It's a fake thing." Gong Wuxie said in a serious tone with bursts of cold light rolling in a pair of different pupils.

Xia Zishang couldn't deny it, looked at the pattern on the gate and sneered.

This gate uses human skin mixed with beast blood to seal the upper and lower cracks, this method is extremely vicious, the human skin to seal the gate can only be a baby less than three years old, so cruel, how can it save all sentient beings.

(End of this chapter)

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