God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1159 Me, I'm So Cold

Chapter 1159 Me, I'm So Cold
The limbs seemed to be frozen by Yin Qi, and Xia Zishang's movements were involuntarily stiff.

With no spiritual power to resist, Xia Zishang remained silent under the torment of the Yin Qi, allowing the Yin Qi to invade her body, or chose to rush out of the encirclement at the fastest speed!

The moment the three of them broke out of the encirclement, they all felt relaxed!

The Yin Qi that was pressing down on their backs like a mountain suddenly dissipated, and the three of them were about to rush back into the water.

The army of skeletons chased after him, but Xia Zishang unexpectedly rushed out of two groups of black shadows, which turned out to be two corpses!

The corpses were soaked white and swollen. The moment they rushed out of the water, black water overflowed from their mouths and noses. The hideous faces were so familiar, it turned out to be Fan Wenchang and Xiao Ge!
The wounds of the two died were soaked until they turned white, and they roared and rushed towards Xia Zishang.

Looking at the two of them unexpectedly, Xia Zishang didn't expect that the people who followed them along the way just now were actually them?

Xia Zishang frowned subconsciously.

She clearly only felt one breath just now, but why did two people appear.

Moreover, there are still two dead people who should have no breath...

Xia Zishang didn't have time to think about it, and the corpses of the two men rushed straight at her!
"Fire talisman, break!" Throwing the few remaining fire talismans on the two of them, Xia Zishang quickly raised his hand after setting them on fire, and wrapped the spirit whip around the bodies of the two of them. The two threw towards the army of skeletons chasing after them.

Originally, I just wanted to delay the time a little bit, but what Xia Zishang didn't expect was that the moment the skeleton army saw the fire, it was as if they had seen the nemesis, and they let out a scream from their throats, and then flew quickly. Backed away, but no longer chased after him.

Before jumping into the water, Xia Zishang's peripheral vision happened to catch this scene.

There was a clear light in the phoenix eyes, and Xia Zishang splashed into the water.

Without hesitation along the way, the three of them left the deep pool as quickly as possible and returned to the well.

After the well water was drilled, the faces of the three of them were all faintly blue-gray.

Xia Zishang was alert in her heart. Her body seemed to be frozen at the moment, and too much Yin Qi was blocked in her meridians.

This is not a good sign.

I don't want these yin qi to affect my future cultivation. Xia Zishang can't use spiritual power to drive away the yin qi now, but she has a lot of pills on her body, so it is not difficult to cure herself.

In contrast, Gong Wuxie has the best complexion. The long sword around his waist seems to be using Yin Qi as food, constantly sucking the Yin Qi away from his body. It must take at most half an hour for Gong Wuxie to recover. up.

Liu Meiling's complexion was extremely ugly, not only was her Yin Qi invading her body, she was also poisoned, the situation was very bad.

Before entering the well, the three of them had already hung a rope at the mouth of the well to prevent accidents. Now the three of them pulled the rope and climbed out of the black well.

The moment he got out of Heijing, the warm spring breeze rushed towards his face, which made Xia Zishang feel a little warm.

The three came out of the well one after another, Xia Zishang and Gong Wuxie dried their clothes with internal force respectively.

In contrast, Liu Meiling looked miserable. Because of Yin Qi invasion and poisoning, she couldn't use her internal energy to dry her clothes at the moment. Don't mention how pitiful that blue-gray complexion is.

"I, I'm so cold..." After Liu Meiling said this, she trembled all over and could hardly stand.

(End of this chapter)

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