God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1162 You Heartbroken!

Chapter 1162 You Heartbroken!

"I didn't pester you." Gong Wuxie is so smart, she immediately understood that Leng Yue was trying to save him, so she cooperated, "I'm looking for you, just want to explain to you..."

"Don't explain it to me, I don't want to hear it!" Leng Yue's acting skills are superb, she is about to cry, "Why don't you let me go? I just want to talk to the abbot, please enlighten me a little , you don't even want to give me this little time, so I don't want to continue to be with someone like you."

Gong Wuxie also acted seriously, "Give me a chance."

"I won't give it, you go find your little lover, you heartless man!" After saying this, Leng Yue looked like an innocent girl who had been deceived by a scumbag, stomped her feet with tears in her eyes, and then turned her head He ran out of the courtyard gate.

"Wait for me." After Gong Wuxie finished speaking, she was about to chase after her.

"Stop!" the abbot stopped Gong Wuxie with an ugly face, and said coldly, "Who told you to come to the old monk's meditation room?"

"I'm really sorry to bother the abbot about the matter of love between children." Gong Wuxie smiled apologetically, and then said anxiously, "Leng Yue, wait for me."

After finishing speaking, Gong Wuxie ran towards the direction where Leng Yue left.

Leng Yue didn't go far at all, she was waiting for Gong Wuxie at the corner not far ahead.

With a heart beating wildly, Leng Yue asked nervously, "Young Master Wuxie, how is my acting skills? Abbot has no doubts?"

"No." Gong Wuxie glanced at Leng Yue, "Thank you."

"It's fate for us to be assigned to the same checkpoint, and we should help each other." Leng Yue had no intention of taking credit, she smiled lightly and said, "Since the matter has been resolved, I will take my leave first."

After finishing speaking, Leng Yue walked away with a smile.

Seeing that Leng Yue didn't even ask him for a reward, Gong Wuxie's eyes grew colder.

Thinking of Leng Yue who found out that she came out of the abbot's room just now, Gong Wuxie returned to the bamboo forest courtyard as quickly as possible.

Coming to Xia Zishang's door, Gong Wuxie vaguely saw through the window that Xia Zishang was still practicing.

The hand that was going to knock on the door stopped, and Gong Wuxie turned back to her room.

At this moment when You Shi was approaching, the sky darkened slightly, and Gong Wuxie was full of thoughts, so he didn't notice that there was another person in the dark room for a while.

But when Gong Wuxie closed the door, she vigilantly sensed the aura of others.

"Who is it?" Gong Wuxie's aura was as cold as a millennium's ice, and she looked at the snow-white figure on the bed.

"Young Master Wuxie, it's me." The soft voice sounded charming, with a hint of shyness.

Gong Wuxie glanced at the woman who was leaning on her couch, winking at him until her eyes were about to cramp, and asked in a cold tone, "Why aren't you wearing clothes?"

Gong Wuxie's reaction was extremely indifferent, and there was even a hint of indifference and alienation hidden in her brows and eyes.

As if a woman's slender willow waist is nothing in his eyes.

Liu Meiling's expression was severely shaken.

Gong Wuxie's indifferent face seemed a little different from Liu Meiling's imagination.

She has seduced countless men and never failed.

But this time, she was treated indifferently at Xia Ye's place first, why is it that even Gong Wuxie has a look of disgust towards her now?
She almost suspected that her charm was not enough, Liu Meiling refused to give up.

"Young Master Wuxie, his wound hurts so much, can you come here and help him take a look?" Liu Meiling blinked pitifully, and said coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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