God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1164 Is this man not good there?

Chapter 1164 Is this man not good there?

She couldn't understand why Gong Wuxie treated her like this!

Is this man not good there!
Liu Meiling was so angry that she had to get up and leave.

About half an hour later, when the sun was setting, Xia Zishang in the room forced out the last trace of Yin Qi remaining in her body, and opened her tightly closed phoenix eyes.

At this moment, I just felt refreshed, and Xia Zishang couldn't help stretching.

After looking at the sky outside the window, Xia Zishang didn't want to continue to relax, and quickly put on the boots.

She still has to go busy looking for the key to the mysterious lock.

Xia Zishang strode towards the door, raised her hand to open the door, but there was an orderly knock on the door.

Raising his hand to open the door, Gong Wuxie's figure came into Xia Zishang's eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" Xia Zishang asked anxiously.

Gong Wuxie glanced at Xia Zishang, as if seeing through the anxiety hidden in her heart, and said slowly, "I'm here to talk to you about the Xuanji lock key."

"Come in." Xia Zishang's heart moved, she turned sideways, and actively let Gong Wuxie in.

Gong Wuxie was not polite at all, and sat down at the table straight after entering the door, "Master Xia Ye, do you want to cooperate with me again?"

Xia Zishang couldn't help laughing, those phoenix eyes were bright and breathtaking, "You mean to exchange information with each other?"

Seeing Gong Wuxie nodded, Xia Zishang did not object.

Cooperating with Gong Wuxie, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"Sure. Tell me what you know first." Xia Zishang finished speaking and sat opposite Gong Wuxie.

Gong Wuxie told Xia Zishang what he found in the abbot's room today and the whole story.

"So, it was Leng Yue who helped you get away in the end?" Seeing Gong Wuxie nodding, Xia Zishang slowly raised her hand to prop up her chin, and said thoughtfully, "What is the purpose of this Leng Yue?" ?”

She wouldn't foolishly think that Leng Yue was purely kind. In the Nine Layers Exquisite Pagoda, those who only rely on kindness to break through the level, without exception, all died in the first level.

Could it be that, like Liu Meiling, Leng Yue also fell in love with Gong Wuxie?

Looking at Gong Wuxie's monstrous face, Xia Zishang felt that she had guessed right.

After all, she had seen Leng Yue shy towards Gong Wuxie with her own eyes.

"It's not clear why Leng Yue helped me, but it's not important." Gong Wuxie hastily brought up this topic, not interested in Leng Yue.

Seeing that Gong Wuxie didn't notice the little girls' affection, Xia Zishang almost doubted whether the man in front of her was a straight male cancer, otherwise, how could she not even see such a straightforward hint.

"Now, it's time for you to talk about your discovery." Gong Wuxie looked at Xia Zishang with anticipation in his eyes.

"Two days ago, I found out that there is a Taiyin lock magic array in the Bodhi Temple." Xia Zishang said solemnly.

Gong Wuxie obviously knew this formation, and when he heard the Taiyin lock magic formation, his expression changed slightly.

Xia Zishang further explained her series of discoveries to Gong Wuxie.

"The evil spirit that ate Xiao Ge before was probably raised by a formation." Gong Wuxie said firmly.

"Yes, and the key to breaking the formation may be hidden in the gate in the black well." Xia Zishang looked at Gong Wuxie and continued, "Besides, I have another guess. I think we are giving Evil sacrifice."

Since they came to the Bodhi Temple, one person died every day.

(End of this chapter)

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