God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1166 We are all sacrifices to the evil spirits

Chapter 1166 We are all sacrifices to the evil spirits

Looking at Leng Yue's body, Xia Zishang found the word "four" on the white silk around her neck as expected, and then keenly felt something strange.

"Since Leng Yue was strangled to death, why did she keep her mouth shut?" Xia Zishang stretched out her hands to pinch Leng Yue's stiff cheeks while speaking.

People who are strangled to death tend to stick their tongues out of their mouths, but Leng Yue clenches her teeth tightly, which looks a bit strange.

"Open her mouth and you'll know it at a glance." Gong Wuxie pinched Leng Yue's chin while speaking, and used her dexterity to remove her chin.

Leng Yue's mouth was very dry, and there was actually a diamond-shaped spar in her mouth.

This spar is only the size of a lychee, and it is carved with complicated patterns, which is extremely delicate at first glance.

Seeing this spar, Xia Zishang showed surprise, "It's the key to the mysterious lock."

The key of the mysterious lock is not an ordinary key, but a very special spar key, which is very rare, so Xia Zishang will never admit it wrong.

Only then did Gong Wuxie take a deep look at the tragic death of Leng Yue.

From this point of view, it was not a coincidence that he saw Leng Yue outside the door of the abbot's room during the day, but Leng Yue took the initiative to help him and cooperate with him in acting in order not to startle the snake.

And Liu Meiling became more and more frightened as she watched, she looked at the two people in front of her at a loss, and then asked tremblingly, "What's going on, how could they die again so quickly?"

When Liu Meiling spoke, her voice trembled uncontrollably. From the frightened look on her face, it was not difficult to see how uneasy she was feeling now.

Since coming to the Bodhi Temple, there have been one after another dead people here, no one can bear it.

"This Bodhi Temple has raised Xie Chong. If there is no accident, we are all offering sacrifices to Xie Chong." Xia Zishang roughly explained to Liu Meiling.

"This, this is impossible! This is a temple, why are evil beings kept in the temple? Who has such courage!" Liu Meiling's eyes were red, she glared at Xia Zishang, and then asked very loudly, "I see, you are lying to me, aren't you? You are all lying to me on purpose!"

"Hush." ​​Before Liu Meiling could finish speaking, Xia Zishang heard footsteps coming from the direction of their courtyard gate.

"Why are you hush? I think you have been hit by me..." Liu Meiling refused to let go, and was about to continue chattering, but unexpectedly, Xia Zishang's eyes swept over, and Liu Meiling's body trembled in fright. Shaking, shut your mouth.

"I'll go out and have a look." Gong Wuxie said, her figure flashed quickly, along the open window, she quietly walked towards the direction of the person who sneaked into the bamboo forest courtyard.

In just a few breaths, Gong Wuxie came back.

There was also a young monk who had been tied up in his hand.

"What's going on?" Xia Zishang asked as he lowered his head and glanced at the terrified little monk.

"The little monk was sneaking around in front of our door just now, I don't know what he wants to do." Gong Wuxie looked at the little monk indifferently and said.

After the little monk heard this, his eyeballs widened, and he quickly cried out, "Benefactor, you misunderstood me, I, I have no other intentions, just want to tell you that our Dharma conference has been advanced, I I came here specially to invite several benefactors to attend the Fa Conference."

The little monk had an innocent expression on his face, and it really looked like that was the case.

(End of this chapter)

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