God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1168 I am the only one attending this puja

Chapter 1168 I am the only one attending this time

Under the dim candlelight in the room, the body of Leng Yue, who was already completely cold, writhed on the ground twice quickly, and then slowly sat up from the ground.

Stiffly moving her own neck, Leng Yue didn't blink her eyes, a sly smile appeared on her blue-purple face, and she walked out of the room slowly towards the black well.

At the same time, Liu Meiling was panting heavily, and arrived at the atrium where the little monk said the puja was held at the fastest speed.

With a victor's smile on her face, Liu Meiling stepped into the gate of the atrium, and immediately saw a scene that she will never forget.

A huge bonfire was born in the open space of the atrium. The flames in the fire were blazing, and the scorching hot air turned into waves of fire and roared towards the surroundings. It suddenly fell on Liu Meiling's face, roasting her A face was burning with pain.

And the monks in the temple are dressed in black cassocks, wearing ghost masks on their heads, each with hideous faces, like a group of demons dancing wildly, dancing their bodies around the fire, laughing madly while dancing, the hideous look makes people When people look at it, they feel fear in their hearts, and they can't help but feel a little bit retreat.

The flames stretched out the shadows of these monks, and there seemed to be black shadows writhing in the shadows that completely lost their human shapes, like ferocious ghosts, making Liu Meiling subconsciously take a step back.

At this moment, a cold palm was attached to Liu Meiling's back.

"Ah!!" Liu Meiling let out a horrified scream, then quickly turned her head and looked at the little monk behind her.

The little monk who followed Liu Meiling all the way just now stood behind her, his palm was as cold as a dead person, he watched Liu Meiling quietly, "Benefactor, the abbot is waiting for the benefactor to pass."

The corners of the lips raised by the little monk with a light smile looked normal, but for some reason, Liu Meiling felt a creepy feeling in her heart uncontrollably, as if someone was staring at her , making her terrified.

Liu Meiling's exclamation just now also attracted the attention of other monks present.

Everyone looked at Liu Meiling in unison.

No matter it was the dancing monk or other monks, they all did not blink their eyes, then raised the corners of their lips at the same time, looked at Liu Meiling, and showed meaningful smiles.

The hairs on her back trembled uncontrollably, and Liu Meiling got goose bumps all over her body.

I don't know if it's because of the surrounding firelight, so the expressions of the monks in front of her seem to make people subconsciously feel fear, and they just want to distance themselves from these people as soon as possible.

Suppressing the uneasiness in her heart, Liu Meiling bit the bullet and walked towards the corridor where the abbot was.

Feeling that every step she took was very difficult, Liu Meiling took a deep breath, constantly comforting herself in her heart.

The abbot was standing under the corridor, quietly waiting for Liu Meiling.

Reflected by the fire, the abbot is even more benevolent.

"Why did the benefactor come alone, and where are the other three benefactors?" the abbot asked with a slight smile.

"They can't come. I'm the only one attending this time!" Liu Meiling boldly asked, "Abbot, when shall we start the ceremony?"

"You mean, how many people will not come?" The abbot heard Liu Meiling's words, and his tone was suddenly cold, as if it was about to freeze, causing the temperature of his body to drop to freezing point.

(End of this chapter)

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