God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1179 Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful

Chapter 1179 Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful
The three spoke in unison, reciting the "Lotus Sutra" in their mouths, and approached the distant sky with big strides!

Step by step, the three of them walked very steadily, and the Buddha's light around them was as dazzling as the scorching sun. Every time they took a step, a golden lotus flower would bloom under their feet. From a distance, the three of them seemed to be jumping in the air, and lotuses grew every step of the way.

The Buddhist scriptures in the mouth turned into golden Sanskrit scripts and floated in the air. All the evil miasma became invisible and shattered when it was irradiated by the golden light. The breath around the three of them turned into ripples and spread slowly. Majestic, every attack hit Yuan Kong's body, making his complexion pale, and wrinkles like gaps appeared on his already old face. He was aging rapidly, and his rickety back seemed to be overwhelmed by the Buddha's light. There was no blood on his face, only the shadow behind him was burned by the golden light and gave off a stench.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .

However, no matter how hard they tried, they still couldn't break free from the shackles, and every Sanskrit word was like a prison. With the arrival of the three of them, Yuan Kong's life would be worse than death!
The Holy Lord of Heavenly Spirit struggled in panic, and frantically released all the evil energy in his body!

Immediately, the dark clouds in the sky covered the holy light cast from the sky, and a large illusion appeared in front of the three of them.

The seductive bodies emerged out of thin air accompanied by the girls' coquettish laughter. These girls stepped on the void and danced beside Xia Zishang and the three of them.

Not only beauties, but also delicious food and wine, and countless treasures of Jinshan.

All the greed in the world turned into substance, and appeared in front of Xia Zishang and the three of them one by one. The girls entangled with them, trying to lead them into evil ways, and fell because of their desires!
The seductive person, power, and financial resources are all floating beside the three of them, as if they are within reach, tempting the three of them crazily.

The faces of the four eminent monks were all pale by the temptation from the evil spirit. Even though they were still far away from the temptation sounds, their hearts could not help being shaken, their legs trembled, and they chanted sutras frantically, resisting the erosion of evil spirit!

Looking at those people who yearn for power and power, Xia Zishang just smiled disapprovingly.

And Xia Zishang's flowery smile made Yuan Kong's face turn pale instantly.

"The Buddha now emits light to help bring forth truth and righteousness.

Everyone should know now, put your palms together and wait with one heart,

The Buddha is raining Dharma rain, enough for those who seek the way.

Those who seek the Three Vehicles, if you have any doubts or regrets,
The Buddha should be cut off, so that there is nothing left! "The three of them spoke in unison, and the last few words of the Buddha's words that they read were like golden words and jade words. When the words fell, a seven-color holy lotus bloomed at the feet of the three of them, and the whole body burst into bright light, and the Buddha's shadow behind them suddenly gathered.

The shocking bells came from the sky, resounded through the sky, and echoed in the night sky!

At this time, the Buddha shadow showed kindness in his eyes, and waved his hand calmly.

With the golden bergamot covering Yuan Kong's body, the Holy Master of Heavenly Spirit struggled frantically, and finally turned into an invisible piece and disappeared into the sky.

"Don't, don't!" The whole person was wrapped in the dazzling and sacred Buddha light, and all the cultivation bases of Yuankong were crushed by the Buddha's hands. He aged at a speed visible to the naked eye, until finally he became a scrawny old man. the old man.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful." Master Mieji showed reverence in his eyes, watching the Buddha's light turn into light spots, blending into the entire Bodhi Temple and into the body of the controlled monk.

(End of this chapter)

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