God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1193 This ghost really likes poaching people's eyes

Chapter 1193 This ghost really likes poaching people's eyes

Even though the black shadow moved quickly, Xia Zishang could tell that the black shadow was Tu Wenli!
Tu Wenli didn't notice Xia Zishang, he quickly ran to the stairs, jumped down, and disappeared from Xia Zishang's sight.

Xia Zishang didn't delay either, and rushed to the first floor as quickly as possible.

The smell of blood became stronger, and she came to the person lying on the ground first.

Now, she could see the man's appearance clearly.

It was a male student who had already passed away. He had been stabbed with more than a dozen blood holes. He almost became a blood man. It seemed that he had lost too much blood and died.

His eyes had been gouged out, leaving only two dark holes.

This verified what the female ghost in white said, this ghost really likes to poach people's eyes.

The very strong smell of blood stimulated Xia Zishang's nerves. She took out a clean handkerchief from the space storage and covered the male student's face, and then chased in the direction where Tu Wenli left.

The lights on the basement floor are dimmer than those in the upper living room, so people can barely see the road in front of them clearly.

Xia Zishang stood at the entrance of the basement floor, looked forward along the dark passage, and could see the wall at the end at a glance.This basement floor is not very big, the narrow passage can only allow two people to pass side by side, and there are rooms on both sides of the passage, all of which are tightly closed.

Obviously, Tu Wenli is in a certain room here.

Xia Zishang squinted her phoenix eyes, and took out a small black flag from the space storage.

A red eye is drawn on the banner, with intricate small gold runes drawn around the eye.

Xia Zishang used spiritual power to send the flag into the air. The two merged and flipped over, quickly made a seal on his chest, and then closed his eyes and whispered a spell.

"The sage of yin and yang, borrow my strength. The yin flag guides the way, and all the ghosts and ghosts appear!"

After saying that, Xia Zishang tapped his finger towards the flag, and the finger-yin chess quickly flipped in mid-air, as if there was an invisible big hand controlling it.

After flipping around a few times, the sharp corner of the Yin flag pointed to the road in front of the corridor, and quickly floated forward.

Xia Zishang followed Zhiyin chess, the flag floated forward about five meters, and stopped in front of a room, with the sharp corner pointing at the door.

The red eye on the black flag also lit up, proving that the ghost Xia Zishang was looking for was very close to them, that is, in the room pointed by the Yin flag.

Xia Zishang first put away the Zhiyin flag, then put her ears on the door panel in front of her, and listened to the movement in the room.

"Don't come here!" Just at this moment, a very frightened scream came from the room.

Without any further hesitation, Xia Zishang kicked open the door in front of her.

The door panel slammed heavily on the wall behind, making a loud noise.

I saw a girl lying on the floor, and Tu Wenli was pressing on her body, the dagger in his hand was about to goug out the girl's eyes.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Xia Zishang drew down the spirit whip on his wrist as quickly as possible, and slammed it towards Tu Wenli's arm holding the dagger.

Her movements were extremely fast, in one go, and when the dagger in Tu Wenli's hand was about to pierce the girl's eyeball, the spirit whip slapped his arm fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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