God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1196 Resurrected

Chapter 1196 Resurrected

Because she didn't pay attention just now, she didn't see the girl's appearance clearly.

Looking at it now, she realized that this girl was the same girl with freckles from before.

The freckled girl hadn't woken up yet, so Xia Zishang had to take out the silver needle and prick her finger.

"Hmm..." The freckled girl grunted, and then slowly opened her eyes.

When she saw Xia Zishang, tears burst from her eyes, "Tu Wenli wants to kill me! He, he is crazy!"

Xia Zishang nodded lightly, and said, "It's all right now, let's leave here first."

The freckled girl got up from the ground, looked at Xia Zishang gratefully and said, "You saved me, right? I haven't had time to tell you, my name is Wu Yan. What's your name?"

"Xia Ye." Xia Zishang did not intend to reveal her real name. She turned her eyes to Tu Wenli who was lying not far away. Tu Wenli was still lying there motionless. Only the slow rise and fall of his chest could prove that he was still live.

Looking in the direction Xia Zishang was looking at, Wu Yan also saw Tu Wenli.

The scene of Tu Wenli trying to gouge out her eyeballs with a dagger suddenly appeared in his mind, Wu Yan almost fainted from fright, and pointed at Tu Wenli tremblingly, "He, what's wrong with him?"

Xia Zishang walked to Tu Wenli's side and felt the pulse in his neck.

"He's fine, he just fainted temporarily, let's leave here first, don't worry about him." After Xia Zishang finished speaking, he walked directly out of the room.

Naturally, Wu Yan didn't dare to stay here by herself, so she quickly followed Xia Zishang's footsteps and left the room.

Because the red-clothed ghost was dealt with by Xia Zishang, Tu Wenli was still in a coma, and no "survivor" was found in the next game time.

After the game ended, except for Tu Wenli who hadn't woken up, the other students had already arrived in the dining room, including the students who had been beaten by the ghost in red before, and because of the special rules of the game, they were revived again.

Steward Ouyang seemed very dissatisfied with the result of the game, and the expression on his face looked very gloomy.

For some reason, Xia Zishang always felt that Steward Ouyang looked a little bit wrong. He seemed not as tall as before, and his back was not as firm as before. Even the outline of his face seemed not as stylish as before. .

"Then it's time for lunch. After lunch, everyone can move freely." Steward Ouyang stood in front of the long table and said expressionlessly, "But there is one thing I hope you can remember firmly, everyone I can't disturb my lady's rest, so I still can't go to the third floor. Before eight o'clock in the evening, you must go back to your room to rest."

After making the arrangements, Steward Ouyang took one last deep look at the people sitting at the long table, then turned and left.

After he had gone, the maid brought the lunch to the table.

Lunch is still quite rich, both Western food and Chinese food are available.

Tu Wenli did not show up until the end of lunch time.

Tu Wenli failed as a "ghost" in the hide-and-seek game just now. He must be punished by the rules of the game. This is a fact that none of them can interfere with and change, so Xia Zishang didn't worry too much about it. question.

The disappearance of Tu Wenli didn't affect everyone's mood. After lunch, they didn't dare to wander around in this villa full of eerie atmosphere, and they all chose to go back to their rooms to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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