God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1204 Beat You Out Of Your Soul

Chapter 1204 Beat You Out Of Your Soul
Xia Zishang saw the right moment, concentrated her spiritual power, and slapped the female ghost in red again.

The red-clothed female ghost's eyes trembled in fright, and she simply abandoned Meng Yi's body, turning into a stream of light and then gliding onto Li Meng's body not far away.

Meng Yi's limp body fell to the ground, and the female ghost in red controlled Li Meng's body this time, like a bull, and slammed fiercely at Xia Zishang.

Xia Zishang dodged Li Meng's attack nimbly.

Li Meng's physical strength was even stronger. Under the control of the female ghost in red, her palm fell like a cattail fan, and she ruthlessly patted Xia Zishang's delicate body.

With a flash of her steps, Xia Zishang easily dodged the almost ferocious attack, and then used her cleverness to tap her jade finger lightly, mixed with spiritual power, to penetrate the acupuncture point on Li Meng's arm.

"Ahhh!" the red-clothed female ghost screamed in pain, then simply abandoned Li Meng's body, and rushed straight to Wu Yan who was curled up in the corner.

"Don't, don't come here!" Wu Yan was so frightened that she let out a scream that changed her tone, she huddled in the corner and hugged her head, her face was covered with crying tears and snot.

Seeing this scene, Xia Zishang clenched her teeth angrily.

Did this damn female ghost take the bodies of these living people for something?Come first, come and go as you want!

I thought that Wu Yan was doomed, but what no one expected was that the red-clothed female ghost's movement towards Wu Yan suddenly stopped, and Yao Meimei, who turned around and went straight, got on her body!

Xia Zishang arrived quickly, the female ghost in red occupied Yao Meimei's body, rushed in front of Xia Zishang, and then left quickly at the moment Yao Meimei threw herself into Xia Zishang's arms, turning into a streamer diamond into the body of the little fat boy Sun Fu.

"Hahahaha, you can't catch me, you can't catch me!" The female ghost in red deliberately teased Xia Zishang, watching it provocatively very loudly.

The female ghost in red didn't know that it was arrogant in front of Xia Zishang, and it was looking for death.

Seeing that the female ghost in red dared to treat her like a monkey, Xia Zishang's face suddenly became gloomy, as if it was about to drip water.

Sensing the terrifying hostility erupting from Xia Zishang's body, the ghost in red shivered in fright.

The fat on Sun Fu's face trembled with the red-clothed female ghost, and then, noticing that something was wrong, the red-clothed female ghost quickly dropped Sun Fu's body, turned into a streamer again, and rushed towards Meng Yi, wanting to go up again Meng Yi's body.

How could it be possible to give the red-clothed ghost another chance to be arrogant, Xia Zishang raised her slender fingers and snapped them crisply.

The invisible spiritual power condensed around Meng Yi's body, forming a solid barrier.

The female ghost in red was unprepared, and bumped into the barrier unexpectedly!
With a bang, the red-clothed female ghost was stunned!

Seeing that the red-clothed ghost finally stopped, Xia Zishang sneered, raised her hand and threw out a sleepy talisman, which just hit the red-clothed ghost.

The powerful spiritual power seeping out of the Trapped Spirit Talisman instantly crushed the female ghost in red, unable to move.

Seeing Xia Zishang walking towards her direction step by step with a spirit whip in her hand, the female ghost in red was frightened to death, and struggled hastily, trying to get rid of the shackles of the trapped spirit talisman.

Xia Zishang saw the right moment and raised his hand to flick the long whip.

The purple spirit whip protruded out like a dragon, and hit the female ghost in red, leaving bursts of white smoke from the wound, and it wailed in pain.

The corners of Xia Zishang's bright red lips evoked a lazy arc. She looked like a charming cat, with a cold light in her phoenix eyes, and said in a bloodthirsty tone, "Don't you like others to beat you with a whip? But I People, I always like to sing against others, so today, I must use a whip to beat you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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