God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1207 Missy is Angry

Chapter 1207 Missy is Angry
The maids closed the kitchens, then lifted the white cloth.

Under the white cloth was a piece of white wax that was square and square.

Xia Zishang was sure that she was not mistaken, the surface of that piece of white wax glowed faintly, it was the kind of white wax usually used to make candles.

Knowing that there was something wrong with this ghost, Xia Zishang breathed lightly, watching each maid take out a knife from their sleeves, and then began to divide this piece of white wax.

The white wax was divided into small pieces of different shapes, and the maids began to carve those white wax.

The maids were very skilled in their movements, as if they had already gotten used to it, and the white wax in their hands was quickly carved into the shape of food by them.

The carved food can be described as lifelike, exquisite like a work of art.

The maid put the carved pewter on the plate, but it was still a piece of pewter, not like food at all.

At this moment, the maid suddenly smiled sinisterly.

The sharp knife in her hand seemed to cut off her wrist directly. The maid cut her skin hard. The depth of the wound cut by the knife had already hurt the root no matter how you looked at it. The maid's tendons and blood vessels had been destroyed severed.

Xia Zishang looked at this scene in bewilderment, unable to understand why the maid suddenly acted in such a self-abuse.

The sneer at the corner of the maid's mouth deepened by three points. The wound on her wrist looked like a baby's mouth, with a gap opened, but what seeped out was not blood, but viscous liquid.

The liquid exuded a very strange smell, which looked very much like half-melted wax oil, like a film covering the white wax in the shape of food on the plate.

The white wax seemed to be coated with a layer of protection, and a cold cloudy air swept out. That piece of white wax suddenly turned into the appearance of normal food.

The maid just made a sandwich, and after she finished it, she smiled very satisfied.

Xia Zishang thought that she also took a bite of the sandwich before, and that pretty face was so cruel, she wished she could go out now and slap the sandwich on the maid's face!
However, Xia Zishang still held back.

No wonder she thought the maids and the butler Ouyang looked so strange. The reason why they behaved strangely was that they were not normal human beings, but wax figurines made from candles!

And the one who controls them is most likely the eldest lady on the third floor, who is also the last evil ghost left on the fourth floor.

Not wanting to wait until five days later to attend the eldest lady's birthday party, Xia Zishang was thinking about how to kill the last evil ghost and leave this ghostly place.

At this time, the kitchen door was opened from the outside.

When the maids heard the door opening, their hearts tightened.

But they soon saw that it was Steward Ouyang, their originally tense expressions became indifferent again, fixed their empty eyes on Steward Ouyang, and then bowed to Steward Ouyang respectfully.

Xia Zishang hid in the window and looked at Butler Ouyang, and found that Butler Ouyang's spirit was even more sluggish than before, and his size shrunk a little, even his back was slightly arched, giving people a decadent feeling.

Steward Ouyang's face was very ugly, and he said solemnly, "Missy is angry."

When mentioning this 'Miss', Steward Ouyang's eyes showed strong fear.

The faces of the maids changed suddenly when they were frightened by Steward Ouyang's words. Everyone was very frightened and terrified. Their expressions seemed to be the end of the day, and some even started to tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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