God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1209 Why Don't You Have Feet

Chapter 1209 Why Don't You Have Feet
Wu Yan already sensed that something was wrong, she stopped the chopsticks in her hand, and lightly touched Xia Zishang's shoulder, "Xia Ye, eat quickly, don't make Steward Ouyang unhappy."

While speaking, Wu Yan took the initiative to take the fruit plate and brought it to Xia Zishang.

Xia Zishang raised her phoenix eyes, glanced at Steward Ouyang, then picked up a piece of apple with a fruit fork, and brought it to Wu Yan's mouth.

"Eat a piece first, show me." Xia Zishang observed Wu Yan's expression, and said with the corners of her lips curled up coldly.

Seeing Wu Yan's eyes wide open looking at him in confusion, Xia Zishang's eyes were so calm that she almost saw through Wu Yan.

When the female ghost in white told her that the grieving ghost was possessed among them, she began to pay attention to it.

At that time, Die Xian was cheating. In order to avoid her attack, she possessed almost everyone who could possess her.

Only Wu Yan escaped unharmed.

There is absolutely no chance in this world, there is some inevitability. Wu Yan not being caught by Die Xian can only prove that she has a problem!

Wu Yan took a deep look at Xia Zishang, and then she didn't resist, she lowered her head obediently, as if she wanted to eat this piece of apple.

However, at this moment, Steward Ouyang, who had been looking strange all this time, suddenly roared, and then raised his fist almost ferociously, and punched Xia Zishang on the back of the head.

Butler Ouyang's actions were just the beginning, and just after he moved, the maids around him rushed towards Xia Zishang's direction with all their teeth and claws.

Pushing away Wu Yan who was in the way, Xia Zishang casually grabbed the fork on the table and stabbed Ouyang Butler's wrist backwards.

Steward Ouyang's wrist was pierced by a fork, and he had to stop his fierce punch.

Butler Ouyang's wound didn't bleed, but a long crack quietly opened like a splintered spider web. Then, his wrist was broken, and his fist hit the ground with a bang.

The cut of the wrist was white, Ouyang Steward was not a body of flesh and blood, but a statue made of candles!
Such a strange scene was suddenly staged in front of everyone's eyes, and everyone's eyes widened in horror, and they couldn't believe what they saw at this moment.

"Monsters, they are all monsters!" Li Meng had just finished speaking, and the maids who were already looking fierce rushed towards them!

The originally harmonious dining table suddenly became chaotic. Steward Ouyang looked stiff. He didn't feel any pain. He waved his other hand again and slammed it down on Xia Zishang's head.

Kicking the entangled Steward Ouyang away with one kick, Xia Zishang immediately heard the screams of Meng Yi and the others.

Turning her head to look at several people, Xia Zishang saw that the maids were murderous and had already trapped Meng Yi in the corner of the restaurant.

The maids were expressionless, and each of them held a shining knife in their hands.

Pulling out the spirit whip on his wrist, Xia Zishang was about to make a move when a snow-white ghost suddenly flashed past like a gust of wind, and then successfully rescued Meng Yi and the others.

But within a few breaths, the five Meng Yi were all brought to the direction of the restaurant's gate, and it was the female ghost in white who saved them.

"You, why don't you have feet..." Sun Fu asked tremblingly when he saw that the female ghost in white was floating in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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