God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1216 Dad Is Treating Mom

Chapter 1216 Dad Is Treating Mom
The door of the villa opened, and it was Steward Ouyang and the maids who came out.

It's just that these people are not wax figures now, but real human beings. Their movements are not stiff, but they all have sad faces.

"Butler Ouyang, is the master really going to fire me? Then how will he and the lady live?" A maid asked worriedly.

"Oh, Madam died of illness suddenly. The master probably dismissed us as a last resort because those of us who used to serve Madam would recall the past and feel sad." Steward Ouyang sighed.

"...Why do I think it's not that simple? The master was hit hard by the death of his wife. He always talked about resurrecting his wife, and he didn't even go out, even the factory was closed. How could he take care of her like this? Where's Missy?" Another maid asked worriedly.

"This is the master's business. We have already been fired. This is beyond our control." After Ouyang Butler finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the European-style villa in front of him with complicated eyes, and finally left with the maids.

The scenery in front of him turned and moved to the basement.

Back then, there were not so many wax figures in the basement. At first glance, the basement was lit with strong lights that can only be found in operating rooms, illuminating the dark room as if it were daytime, so bright that it could almost dazzle the eyes.

"Woooo..." The little girl's terrified cries echoed in the basement, looking miserable and sad.

I saw a little girl in a pink princess dress who was tied to the bench by someone. Her wrists and feet were worn out by the rough hemp rope, and the dark red blood dripped on the ground. The little girl looked even more pitiful.

The air is filled with the strange smell of melted white wax. In front of the little girl, there is a man standing busy in front of the workbench. The corner of his mouth evoked a crazy smile. From the angle of the little girl, he could just see the workbench. On it lay a woman.

The woman's face was pale, with corpse spots already appearing on her body, her body was stiff and cold, and she was not breathing.

Looking at the woman's familiar face, Xia Zishang could easily see that this woman was the mother of the little girl who was tied up, and that busy man should be her father whom the little girl mentioned just now.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo underL L LvL

"Shhh, Yaoyao is good, don't make noise, dad is treating mom, don't you want mom to come back to life too? Be obedient and don't cry, when dad cures mom, mom will come back to life , will be with us forever." The man turned around, his pale face was covered with stubble, and there was a thick bruise under his eyes, and he looked at the boiling wax oil pan, "Okay, okay , The wax is ready, dear, wait for me, and I will save you."

Seeing her father affectionately kissing her mother on the workbench, Yaoyao cried even harder, "Dad, Mom is dead, she has gone to heaven, and she can't come back."

Mu Zhen's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He rushed forward and slapped Yaoyao hard, "Nonsense, your mother is just sick! Her health is too bad, I want to give her a new one." , I can save her, I will save her, I forbid you to curse your mother like that!"

(End of this chapter)

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