God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1222 I used to have a pig essence brother?

Chapter 1222 I used to have a pig essence brother?
"What does this prove?" After a while, Xia Zishang withdrew her hand and asked Lu Hongjun in a low voice.

Lu Hongjun also withdrew his hand, looked at Xia Zishang and said, "I just want to prove to you that I am not a bad person. Good apprentice, you should also know that you have lost some memories, right?"

Xia Zishang nodded silently.

"If you still don't believe me, you can enter the pawn shop of the Three Realms to look for that little glutton now." Lu Hongjun said again, "Don't worry, in the space I created, the rules and restrictions in the Nine Layers Exquisite Pagoda are not good. Yes. Your senior brother is called Amo, you can ask that little Taotie if he knows me, Lu Hongjun, and your senior brother."

Originally, due to the rules and regulations of the Jiuzhong Linglong Pagoda, Xia Zishang could not enter the pawn shop of the Three Realms when passing the checkpoint.

After Lu Hongjun finished speaking, Xia Zishang tried to enter the Three Realms pawnshop, but she actually went in very smoothly.

Wangcai is wrapped in a small quilt, sitting on the steps in front of the pawn shop, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand, looks like an old man who has entered old age, his eyes are full of (big) broken (written) red (dust) (rough) soft (no) and (chat).

"Master!" The moment he saw Xia Zishang, the bored expression on Wangcai's face disappeared instantly, and he put the cup inside on the ground, wrapped in a small quilt, and ran towards Xia Zishang.

Because last time Wangcai was injured because of himself, Xia Zishang still felt guilty about it, so he quickly stepped up to meet Wangcai, bent down and hugged it in his arms.

"Wangcai, are you feeling better?" Xia Zishang asked softly.

Wangcai nodded his head, and replied with a cheerful smile, "It's much better, the master doesn't have to worry about me."

Xia Zishang looked at Wang Caishang's pale little face, knowing that it was saying this to comfort herself, and her heart ached uncontrollably, "Let's go in and talk about it."

After entering the pawnshop, Xia Zishang carried Wangcai onto the recliner.

"Little master, shouldn't you be going to participate in the national teacher competition now? Why come in when you have time?" Wangcai asked Xia Zishang, blinking his big smart eyes.

"I'm participating in a competition. Originally, I was not allowed to enter our pawn shop due to the rules of the competition." Xia Zishang said slowly, "Now there is something wrong with me, so I can sneak in."

During the time she was in Jiuzhong Linglong Pagoda, she couldn't enter the Three Realms pawn shop, and she always missed Wangcai very much.

"What's the situation?" Wangcai became nervous when he heard this.

Xia Zishang was about to meet Lu Hongjun, so she told Wangcai briefly and neatly.

At the end, Xia Zishang asked Wangcai in an almost unbelievable tone, "I used to have a brother Zhujing?"

When Wangcai heard the name Lu Hongjun, the expression on his face became serious.

It also thought before that according to Lu Hongjun's ability, sooner or later it would be able to find its owner, but it didn't expect that smelly old man to come so soon?
Now that the ghost race is here, and that smelly old man also appeared, what should I do?
Thinking of this, Wangcai was a little scratching his head.

Xia Zishang saw that Wangcai was struggling with his small face and did not speak, and his eyes darkened, "Wangcai, is it really the ancestor of Shengxu that I met?"

Only then did Wangcai recover from his contemplation. He couldn't bear to hide Xia Zishang, so he nodded helplessly.

 One hundred chapters updated!Asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a recommendation ticket, the update in the last few days will be around six o'clock in the daytime, because I need to continue to save the manuscript to spare a day's manuscript, it will last for several days!mwah!There are too many rewards, so I won’t thank them one by one, everyone is familiar with it, bow and thank you for the rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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