God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1224 Starfall Book

Chapter 1224 Starfall Book
"Yes." Xia Zishang nodded.

Although she recognized her master after being cheated in her previous life, she has a beginning and an end. Once she becomes a teacher, she will recognize this master.

Lu Hongjun laughed even more happily, almost bringing candy to Xia Zishang like coaxing a child, coaxing, "Then call Master to come and listen."

"Master." After Xia Zishang really opened her mouth and called out these two words, she realized that she didn't resist, but said it smoothly, as if she was used to calling Lu Hongjun like this before.

This time, Lu Hongjun's face turned into a bright chrysanthemum with a smile, and he pressed his palms to his chest and took a deep breath, so excited that he almost shed tears, "Okay, good boy, master is so happy, come here, let's continue to sit down and drink. "

"Me, me, and me!" Amo twisted her pink butt, and followed behind Xia Zishang, "Brother, you haven't called me yet, I'm your senior brother!"

Glancing at the pink little fragrant pig following her, the muscles at the corners of Xia Zishang's mouth twitched involuntarily, "Senior brother."

"Hey hey..." Amo heard what he wanted to hear, and ran to the table and sat down, covering his face with his pig's trotters and smiling happily.

"My dear disciple, I will help you recover your strength and retrieve your memory as soon as possible. As for your previous identity, I think you may have already noticed it. As for what happened, I can't tell you for the time being. You Losing memory is God's will, you can't force it, when the time comes, you will naturally remember it, so there is no need to rush." ​​Lu Hongjun said to Xia Zishang after sitting down.

The emotion in his eyes froze, Xia Zishang did not expect that Lu Hongjun could see through her thoughts.

Since Lu Hongjun said so, she can't force it.

"I see." Xia Zishang picked up the pear blossom wine and took a sip, feeling the soft wine rippling on the tip of her tongue, and her articulate lingering fragrance, it was indeed a good wine.

"My dear disciple, master knows that you have suffered a lot in the human world during this time. In fact, as a master, I want to find you sooner, but..." Lu Hongjun seemed to remember something, and said angrily, "but Those stubborn guys from Immortal Realm and Jiuchong Jintian have blackmailed you, and now you can’t come and go freely in the Three Realms, so it took a lot of time to finally find you.”

Seeing Lu Hongjun's angry face, Xia Zishang raised his eyes and took a deep look at Lu Hongjun.

People from Immortal Realm and Jiuchong Jintian would not casually join forces to target just one person.

Recalling what Wangcai said to herself, the corners of Xia Zishang's mouth twitched. It is estimated that her master, most likely, was blocked because he often molested the beautiful fairies in the sky!
Thinking that she had such a master, Xia Zishang couldn't help worrying, and reached out to rub the center of her brow.

"Thank you, master." Xia Zishang knew that it was not easy to break through the confinement of the Nine Layers Linglong Pagoda, which might not be a big deal to Lu Hongjun, but she was still moved by her master who made so much effort to find her.

"No hard work, no hard work! Disciple, I came here this time as a teacher. I mainly want to give you two treasures, one is the "Star Meteor Book", and the other is the glazed silver hairpin." While speaking, Lu Hongjun had already Take out these two treasures.

Lu Hongjun put a simple secret book and an extremely dazzling silver hairpin in front of Xia Zishang.

The moment she saw these two things, Xia Zishang couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

Xia Zishang stretched out her hand, first picked up the "Starfall Book", and couldn't wait to open it.

(End of this chapter)

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