God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1228 Young Master Xia Ye, You Are Finally Here

Chapter 1228 Young Master Xia Ye, You Are Finally Here
"Mother, why don't you let me and daddy go through the barrier with you?" Qing Mo was afraid that Xia Zishang would refuse, so he hugged her neck tightly while talking.

"Okay then." Xia Zishang couldn't refuse the father and son's concern for her. Besides, Yun Yan couldn't just help her, she could still break through with her own strength.

What's more, she is also reluctant to part with the father and son.

"It's just that you two can't just go with me like this." After thinking about it, Xia Zishang first took out a shark skin mask and gave it to Xuanyuan Yelan, and then took out a elixir and fed it to Qing Mo , "Yunyan, you can pretend to be a contestant and follow me casually. As for Qingmo, you can pretend to be a little pet and stay by Mother's side."

After Qing Mo obediently took the elixir, he felt itchy on his buttocks and the top of his head. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to scratch it, but unexpectedly, a pair of fluffy black ears popped out from the top of his head. Out of a fluffy black tail.

Qing Mo couldn't help shaking his tail, and found that he had the feeling that this tail was not a fake, but really grew out of his body!

Qing Mo has such cute cat ears and tails. It looks like a little spirit beast that has just transformed into a human. It's playful and cute, making it hard to take your eyes off it.

However, after Xuanyuan Yelan put on a human skin mask, her original handsome appearance was covered up, and her appearance became extremely ordinary, except for the cold light in her starry eyes, revealing her inherent nobility.

Satisfied with the disguise of the father and son, Xia Zishang nodded with a chuckle, and the group finally stepped into the space vortex leading to the sixth level.

The familiar feeling of dizziness swept over. After Xia Zishang and his party stood firm, they were deeply amazed by the beautiful scenery in front of them.

They are located on the high sand dunes. The dark night is dotted with a waning moon and a sky full of stars. The cold wind blows in the desert night, rolling up pieces of yellow sand on the ground. Looking around, you can see the endless desert at a glance. Among them, the sand dunes are endless, and the place is barren and desolate, without any living things, but it reveals a different kind of beauty, which brings endless shock.

The gust of wind rolled up the robes on everyone's bodies, making a sound of hunting.

At this time, both Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan were keenly aware of a breath behind them.

Feeling that this person's aura was very familiar, Xia Zishang heard Gong Wuxie's indifferent and pleasant voice slowly behind them.

"I knew that as long as I waited here, I would definitely see you. Mr. Xia Ye, you are finally here."

Gong Wuxie's melodious voice was mixed with some deep meaning, the moment it sounded, Xuanyuan Yelan's breath became a little colder.

Xuanyuan Yelan looked at Gong Wuxie who appeared, dissatisfaction appeared in her black eyes.

He has never seen this man before, but from what he said, it is not difficult to hear that he and Chang'er seem very familiar.

Feeling the changing aura around Xuanyuan Yelan, Xia Zishang couldn't help but laugh for a moment.

She knew that Yun Yan was a jealous vat, and now this man must have fallen into the vast sea of ​​jealousy and is struggling in it.

Taking advantage of Gong Wuxie's unawareness, Xia Zishang stretched out her soft little hand, and gently pinched Xuanyuan Yelan's fingers to comfort her.

Xuanyuan Yelan was coaxed right away, there was no hostility on his face, but his gaze towards Gong Wuxie was extraordinarily indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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