God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1230 How many men bow down under the pomegranate skirt of the younger brother

Chapter 1230 How many men bow down under the pomegranate skirt of the younger brother

Leng Yue seemed to be aware of Xia Zishang's gaze, she slowly raised her head that had been lowered, and happened to meet Xia Zishang's gaze.

The eyes of the two collided, and there was an irresolvable coldness.

Leng Yue didn't panic at all, she raised the corners of her lips coldly without any shyness, and then lowered her head again after facing Xia Zishang with a weird smile, as if she didn't know Xia Zishang, she quietly closed her mouth sitting.

While Xia Zishang was observing Leng Yue, the other contestants were also observing her.

Many people even recognized Xia Zishang, and looked at her with strong hostility.

The people who have been able to break through all the way here are all powerful experts. These people have heard of Xia Zishang's name, and they know that Xia Zishang is the dark horse to win the championship.

Their gazes were as sharp as if they wanted to shoot Xia Zishang through.

However, before these people had time to be arrogant for too long, they clearly felt a death-like gaze from Xia Zishang's side projected from a distance, as if it could shoot them through, scaring their backs.

Looking fearfully at Xuanyuan Yelan beside Xia Zishang, everyone met Xuanyuan Yelan's cold eyes that were almost murderous.

Immediately not daring to be presumptuous anymore, everyone lowered their heads obediently.

"Master Xia Ye!" Yusheng found Xia Zishang, and Xia Zishang's figure was reflected in his clear eyes. He walked over happily and said to Xia Zishang, "I have been thinking about when I will meet Xia Zishang again. Young master, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

From Yusheng's expression, it is not difficult to see how happy he is now.

Yusheng's enthusiasm made Xia Zishang a little overwhelmed.

The main reason is that when Yusheng approached, the temperature around Xuanyuan Yelan instantly dropped to freezing point!
A Gong Wuxie wandering around Chang'er is enough trouble, Xuanyuan Yelan didn't expect that this little Taoist priest in Tsing Yi, who was very fond of Chang'er before, was actually here!

Qing Mo stood obediently on the side. He watched the scene, his eyes fluttered, and finally reached out, patted Xuanyuan Yelan's hand, and cheered him up, "Daddy, you have to work hard!"

Amo laughed and rolled on the sidelines after hearing this, and gloated at Xuanyuan Yelan.

Sure enough, no matter in the past or present, the junior brother is still a boy killer as always, how many men fall under the pomegranate skirt of the junior brother!As for Xuanyuan Yelan, he will take it slowly~
Xuanyuan Yelan became even more resentful.

If he didn't want to disturb Shang'er, he would definitely not give up like this.

"I didn't expect you to come here so soon. From this point of view, it seems that the previous few passes were smooth." Xia Zishang had a good impression of Yusheng, so naturally he wanted to chat with him.

"It's my luck." Yusheng said, looking behind her, and at the other contestants, "It's just that this level may not be so easy to pass. I think these people participating in the competition , are quite strong. Moreover, this is the first time that all the contestants have gathered together, so it can be seen that the test of the sixth level is not ordinary."

"Do your best." Xia Zishang smiled calmly, full of confidence.

Xia Zishang was so confident and charming that Yusheng couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

At this moment, a burst of hobbled footsteps came from outside the cave.

Everyone was silent at the same time, looking in the direction of the sound of footsteps.

The person who came was an old man wearing a gray robe. This old man was tall, but his figure was very thin.

(End of this chapter)

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