God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1232 This woman is probably a fool

Chapter 1232 This woman is probably a fool

She was sure that the old man was not joking. If anyone dared to be disrespectful to the owner of any tomb, the old man would teach them how to behave.

He felt that the old man's temper was quite to his liking. Xia Zishang had always been in awe of the dead, so he was not worried about violating taboos.

Just as Xia Zishang was thinking about what to do, a pretty woman in a light yellow dress stood out from the crowd.

She had a baby face and pretty features. She looked at Old Yang with a charming smile and said, "Old man, why are you so stubborn. It is not easy for us people to break through this level. Since you know the correct answer , why bother to hide it? How about you do a good job and tell us the correct answer, so that we will all be very grateful to you. "

The woman had just finished speaking when Xia Zishang gave her a disgusted look.

This woman is probably a fool.

Where is the Jiuzhong Linglong Pagoda, and what is the identity of the tomb keeper? In fact, she can bargain here!

But Huang Yingying and the three or two little followers behind her all looked expectant, waiting for Old Yang's answer.

Sure enough, Lao Yang didn't even look at Huang Yingying, but sneered mockingly.

Then, Old Yangtou simply ignored Huang Yingying, and said hoarsely to everyone, "It's getting late today, everyone can rest in this cave. Wait until tomorrow morning, and you can go to the tomb of the national teacher by yourself. Looking for the national teacher During the period of the tomb, the old man will come to visit it from time to time, and please don’t break the precepts, so as not to suffer the consequences.”

After saying this lightly, Old Yang left the cave unsteadily, leaning on his crutches.

"Damn old man!" Huang Yingying stepped on the ground angrily, gnashing her teeth and said angrily, "Damn old man, the loess is buried in his chest, and he dares to show off in front of this lady, it's too arrogant!"

Huang Yingying was so angry that she could feel the sarcasm in the eyes of many contestants around her looking at her.

There were three men sitting beside Huang Yingying, and they all said courteously, "Miss Huang, you must not be angry with a bad old man, that old man has no eyes."

"But I don't want to go to the tomb of the national teacher tomorrow under the sun!" Huang Yingying pouted coquettishly.

"Miss Huang, I have a solution. Let's go out and talk." One of the blue-clothed men cautiously glanced at the people around him, and then he and the other two men pulled Huang Yingying away quickly.

"What are they trying to do?" Yu Sheng looked at the backs of the four of them leaving in a hurry, always feeling that they had no good intentions.

"Let's just take care of our own affairs." Xia Zishang turned her eyes to look at Xuanyuan Yelan, "I'm going out to see how the feng shui is around here, you help me take care of Qingmo, let's put him to sleep first .”

The location of the tomb of the national teacher must be a place with excellent geomantic omen. If they want to find the tomb of the national teacher, they can only start with geomantic omen.

"You don't need me to go with you?" Xuanyuan Yelan asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I will be back as soon as possible." Xia Zishang smiled.

Xuanyuan Yelan really couldn't help with Fengshui, so he had no choice but to agree.

Amo didn't need to coax the child, he twisted his buttocks and walked out of the cave with Xia Zishang.

Holding a compass in his hand, Xia Zishang carefully judged the surrounding Feng Shui according to the sky and the terrain.

Xia Zishang surveyed the surroundings for about a quarter of an hour, and was about to leave, but unexpectedly heard Huang Yingying's voice coming from ahead.

 As the saying goes, you can't die if you don't do it.The tenth update is over, the activities in the book review area are continuing, and the VIP group is also waiting for everyone to join the group to play.Give a shout and ask for a monthly ticket!Sincere thanks to the baby who rewarded and subscribed yesterday!hold on!

(End of this chapter)

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