God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1240 Heartless Dead Ghost

Chapter 1240 Heartless Dead Ghost
He had just entered the cave when he noticed that someone had been following them carefully.

Obviously, someone who knew Chang'er's strength had followed them all the way, and wanted to find the tomb of the national teacher through them without thinking.

"There is no need to argue with these people." Xia Zishang knew very well that after she found the tomb of the national teacher, the rest of the people would definitely flock to it, which was expected.

And she is not qualified to guard the tomb of the national teacher and not let other people come in to investigate, but whether these people have the ability to leave alive after they come in depends on them.

Just when Qing Mo obediently walked out of the first line of sky and came to his father and mother, Zhu Zizi's screams suddenly came from behind him.

"Hmph! Brother! Don't rush away, I, I seem to be stuck! Come and save me!" Amo's front feet had already stepped out of the sky, but unexpectedly, his round belly was stuck on the stone wall In the middle, I can't get out!
The pig's face was flushed red, and Amo struggled vigorously, waving his short pig's trotters.

No one thought that Amo would be so embarrassing, and the family of three couldn't help laughing.

Amo felt that his pig face was about to be lost, and he yelled, "Hey, you heartless ghosts! Hurry up and save me!"

"Qingmo, hurry up and drag your uncle out." Xia Zishang was almost laughing madly at Amo, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and patted Qingmo's shoulder and said.

Qing Mo hurried forward, stretched out his small hand and grabbed Amo's two trotters, and pulled him out forcefully.

"Oh! My beautiful legs are about to be torn off!" Amo rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Qingmo, do you want to eat the uncle's pig's claws or what? Can't you use less force?" , Uncle Master’s pig’s claws are almost smashed by you!”

"Master, you are too fat from eating, you should lose weight..." Qing Mo tugged hard, but no matter how hard he tried, Amo didn't move.

At this moment, a slender black shadow walked behind Amo.

Because it was too dark, Qing Mo couldn't see what the person standing behind Amo looked like at the moment, but could only tell from her figure that she was a woman.

"Little brother, ask sister to help you." A tepid voice sounded faintly, and the woman stretched out her cold white palm to clasp the stone on the side of the mountain wall. The hard stone was crushed into a piece of slag.

With just one force, Qing Mo pulled Amo out of the sky, then hugged Amo, hurried away from the woman in the black skirt in front of him, and ran behind his parents.

Qing Mo has a rare yin physique, he is very sensitive to many unusual things, and the woman in a black dress in front of him gives Qing Mo a very uncomfortable feeling.

Xuanyuan Yelan was protecting Xia Zishang, Xia Zishang was protecting Qingmo, the family of three took Amo together, and watched coldly as Leng Yue led her subordinates, the old and the young, through a ray of sky, stepping on accumulated The water stand stood before them.

"Master Xia Ye, what a coincidence, we meet again." Leng Yue spoke in a gentle tone, with a calm look, looking at Xia Zishang, as if she saw an old friend she hadn't seen for a long time, her attitude was very natural up.

Looking at Leng Yue's unhurried appearance, no one would have guessed that she was someone who died once.

(End of this chapter)

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