God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1242 Thick-skinned to the point of invincibility

Chapter 1242 Thick-skinned to the point of invincibility
This time, Ama will lead the way, all of which are requested by itself.

According to what Amo said, its body is very special, its skin and flesh are not afraid of water, fire, thunder and lightning, and it is invulnerable to swords and guns, and ordinary ghosts and ghosts have nothing to do with it.

Amonathon boasted about his strength, and Xia Zishang listened to it for a long time before he understood its real ability, which was thick skin.

Moreover, the skin is so thick that it is invincible, no attack can stop it, such a rare living shield actively jumps out and is willing to block the knife, of course Xia Zishang lets it walk in the forefront.

The deeper you go, the colder the water flow in the water cave is. The water in this water cave seems to be stagnant water, exuding a strong yin energy. If ordinary people soak in this water for half an hour, the yin energy will invade body, died of poisoning.

However, I don't know if it's because of the heavy Yin Qi, so they walked all the way without any living things in the water, as if there was no danger.

From the corner of the eye, Leng Yue and Yin Xue quickly caught up. Xia Zishang saw that these people kept a certain distance from her and followed closely behind them.

"It seems that they are planning to hide behind us and let us explore the way, leaving all the danger to us." Xuanyuan Yelan said with waves in his eyes, as if he had thought of some good idea.

Xia Zishang knew Xuanyuan Yelan too well. Looking at his expression, he knew he must be planning something, "What do you want to do?"

"I was thinking, I can't let these people sit back and enjoy their success." Xuanyuan Yelan took out a delicate jade bottle from the armband, opened the bottle cap, and poured out one of the dark jade bottles. It's like something like a pill.

However, at a closer look, the ball was not a elixir, but a small poisonous snake coiled into a ball, and Xuanyuan Yelan put it into the water with the movement of Xuanyuan Yelan.

The moment the ball entered the water, the tightly curled body suddenly stretched out and swelled into a small poisonous snake as thick as half a finger and as long as chopsticks.

After the little snake appeared, it first wandered in the water for a while, then as if attracted, it coiled and rolled in the water under Qing Mo's feet.

"Qingmo, try to control this little snake with your yin energy." Xuanyuan Yelan said.

Qing Mo nodded, and cast a trace of his Yin Qi on the little snake.

The pitch-black little snake got the yin energy it wanted, and immediately twisted its body happily, as if to please, turning around around Qingmo.

"Is this the Dark Thunderbolt?" Xia Zishang asked in surprise.

The Dark Thunderbolt Python is driven by Yin Qi, and has a paralyzing poison on its body. Although there is only this small one, it is enough to save Qing Mo's life at a critical moment.

Moreover, the Tongtian python can gradually evolve with the growth of its owner. Although it looks inconspicuous now, it is a rare spiritual pet, and it is most suitable for Qing Mo to use.

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded, "I prepared it for Qing Mo before, but I never had a chance to give it to him."

"Qingmo, this is a gift from Daddy. You control the Tongtian Python, try to use it to attack." Xuanyuan Yelan originally wanted to give this gift to Qingmo as a surprise, but, Now that there are people who can't wait to follow behind them and want to be targets, then he doesn't mind giving gifts to Qing Mo in advance, so that Qing Mo can use the targets delivered to his door to practice in advance.

 Ten more sent!It should be updated near this point recently!It's also very good, the beauties just finish their busy day and don't delay their evening enjoyment!Asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a recommendation ticket ~ Thank you for the reward and subscription yesterday, you are my angel and my love, hug dear!
(End of this chapter)

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