God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1254 Don't Call Me Boss, Call Me King

Chapter 1254 Don't Call Me Boss, Call Me King
"Break it for me!" Xia Zishang was in the air, her phoenix eyes were burning with fire, and the plain white robe on her body was windless, and she tried her best to instill the spiritual power in her body along the wound and into the giant's body, Try to break its body!
This move really made the giant howl in hysterical pain, it seemed to be enduring great pain, the skin on its legs seemed to be blown up like a balloon, it was so big!

Not only that, Xia Zishang quickly felt that the giant's body also contained extremely strong power.

At this moment, the energy in the giant's body was almost savagely contending with her, refusing to give in to each other!

The two energies entangled and collided, and immediately produced huge fluctuations in the giant's body. In the end, the two forces gradually entangled into a large mass, and the resulting force almost completely burst the giant's flesh!
"Roar!" The giant seemed to be unable to bear such severe pain, and screamed ferociously, then raised his palm angrily, and slapped Xia Zishang's head with it!

"A Xia!" Xuanyuan Yelan condensed strong spiritual power in his hand, raised his hand and struck the hilt of the sword.

The long sword was immediately slapped flying by Xuanyuan Yelan, and an afterimage was drawn in the air, piercing the giant's eyes with a whoosh.

The giant stopped attacking, it wailed in pain, and quickly covered its bloody eyes with both hands.

And Xia Zishang took advantage of this opportunity to quickly touch the air with her toes, and her figure turned into an afterimage and retreated quickly.

While keeping the distance from the giant, Xia Zishang did not forget to draw out all the spiritual power that had been sent into the giant's legs!
The skin that was stretched to the point of being swollen by too much energy shrank rapidly like an air leak. Xia Zishang was not finished after drawing out her spiritual power. She was so fierce that she even hit the giant's leg The energy that belongs to it is directly drawn out!
Seeing this scene, the young man who had been watching the play in his spare time changed his expression suddenly, "Stop!"

How could it be possible to stop, Xia Zishang completely drained the energy in the giant's legs at the fastest speed.

The giant's leg seemed to be inflated. After the energy inside was sucked away, the skin and flesh on the leg was completely shriveled and wrinkled, and the thin skeleton couldn't support the giant's heavy body. There was a crisp click.

The severe pain caused the giant to let out a roar of fear. Its center of gravity was unstable, and it quickly stretched out its arms to hug the pillars around it, only to avoid falling to the ground.

The giant's reckless movement destroyed the ornate decoration on the pillar.

Immediately, the young man was like a rooster whose feathers had exploded, and roared furiously, "You trash, you still don't let go, you broke all my king's precious pillars!"

The giant was wronged, "Boss, if you let go, I will fall..."

"Who cares about you! Also, I didn't tell you, don't call me the boss, call me the king!!" The young man was heartbroken, as if the giant didn't break the pillar, but cut its flesh, and roared, " Let go, let go now!"

The giant let go of his hand in resignation, and sure enough, the huge figure swayed twice, and then fell down directly in the direction of the boy.

The boy widened his eyes in astonishment, watching the giant's body rushing towards him rapidly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The boy jumped out like a rabbit, lest he be smashed into meatloaf.

(End of this chapter)

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