God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1262 Leave quickly!

Chapter 1262 Leave quickly!

What Leng Yue did was shocking. Xia Zishang saw that Leng Yue was like a black snake. With a movement of her throat, she swallowed the Grimacing Scorpion.

Seemingly thinking that the taste was good, Leng Yue licked the corners of her lips in satisfaction, "To me, poison is nothing more than delicious food. You don't mind, please go on."

Xia Zishang saw the indifferent expression on Leng Yue's face, and looked at her with more puzzled eyes.

It has been a long time since she has seen a person who is as invulnerable to all poisons as Leng Yue, and Leng Yue can have such a special physique, which only shows that she is extremely strong and has practiced very different exercises.

And this kind of cultivation method cannot be found by ordinary people. Behind Leng Yue, there must be forces who are good at using poison.

Thinking that Leng Yue could stand up and turn around again, Xia Zishang looked at her even deeper.

Without wasting time, everyone walked into the tomb.

The air in the tomb was very cold, and the floor was covered with a layer of black crystal floor tiles, so that everyone just walked on the floor tiles, and felt a bone-eating cold breath mercilessly breaking into their bodies, as if it could freeze them. Cold people shiver.

The air was filled with the sound of running water, Xia Zishang took out the night pearl and illuminated the tomb in front of him.

For a moment, everyone was deeply surprised by the scene in front of them.

Inside the tomb was a huge pool of finely crafted water.

The pool is more than ten meters wide. The water in the pool is secluded and bottomless. It is more like a deep pool than a pool.

If you look carefully, there is a stone sculpture on the pool. On the stone sculpture is a woman with a kind face and kind eyes. This woman is wearing a holy white robe. When you look carefully, you can find that this woman is not a human being, but a female shark. Life is so beautiful, the sparkling fish tail is not known what it is made of, and the slender fish tail hangs down into the largest pond, spreading all the way down, and it is unknown where it extends to.

It is obviously a hard stone sculpture, but I don't know why it can show a soft beauty, and there are nine small pools around the big pool. There is a green lamp that has not been lit on each small pool, and the flowing water from the high place is continuously falling into the largest pool, making the sound of running water.

And in the nine small pools around here, there are also statues of mermen.

The vividness makes people unable to take their eyes off, and makes people wonder why these stone carvings are so real, it's like pulling out the scales of real sharks and sticking them on...

Startled by his own thought, Xia Zishang suddenly thought of an extremely cruel formation!

Carefully identifying the scales on the stone carvings turned out to be the scales of the mermaids, Xia Zishang looked at the pools again, and vaguely saw figures hidden in the water, and smelled a strange fishy smell!

The expression on Xia Zishang's face changed slightly, "Don't stay here, leave quickly!"

After saying this, Xia Zishang pulled Xuanyuan Yelan and Qingmo, turned around and ran towards the exit of the tomb.

And at the moment Xia Zishang turned around, a blood-colored spar suddenly lit up in the sky above the pool!

The blood-red spar was lit up like a blood moon, and the flowing water hit everyone's hearts like a heavy blow. The female mermaid stone sculpture in the central pool opened her eyes unexpectedly.

 The tenth watch is over, waving a handkerchief to ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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